Convert JPEG image to MPEG-2 Video


I am working on a digital screen unit which has a 2-3 second delay with still images, but no delay for MPEG-2 video. I have used Photoshop CS5 to export the JPEG into MPEG-2 (MP4(ISMA)), but the quality is poor and very limited.

The image size is 1280x768.

Is there any software that can achieve this? Any help will be appreciated.


Posted 2011-10-09T22:59:59.217


Is this one frame or many? Have you tried ffmpeg?

– None – 2011-10-09T23:04:46.593

one frame, i did download ffmpeg, but i totally lost with how to use it. – None – 2011-10-09T23:17:16.603

Did you try using the guide I linked? Also, why do you want to encode your jpeg image into a video? – None – 2011-10-09T23:18:42.577

Yes Nick i did look at the guide u linked, i dont really understand it very well. i suppose this thing dont realli have a user interface, you have to mannually use conmmand, i am not very good at that... but i look more into it + this is reason why i have to use MPEG >> (my image size is 1280 x 768) I am working on a very stupied digital screen unit, it does delay with still image (2-3 secs), however perfect for Mpeg-2 video, so it really sh*t me to tear at the moment, any help would be appreciated. – None – 2011-10-09T23:26:50.653

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