~30 second logon for Windows 7 64bit


I have quite a reasonably spec'd machine:

  • i7-2600k @4Ghz
  • OCZ Velocity 3 ssd
  • 1tb cavier black hdd

The issue:

The 'welcome' logon screen takes ~30sec to finish and bring me to desktop and it should be much faster than that. Booting to the login screen is faster than this.


Windows 7 64bit installed on the ssd, which is the boot drive. Users folder for Downloads has been redirected to the 1tb hdd. Minimal to no startup programs (brand new machine) enter image description here

What it's not:

It is not the desktop background bug, http://support.microsoft.com/kb/977346

What I think it has to do with:

The user folder redirection, however for the life of my searching all I come up with are domain admins having issues with their user folder redirection, but these are for a remote machine, not a separate drive.

So I'm sure I'm not the first win7 64bit user who has the os on a ssd and has redirected one or more of the users folders to a hdd. Any asasist, or diagnosing tools would be great.


Posted 2011-10-08T23:26:08.553

Reputation: 173

1http://blogs.technet.com/b/markrussinovich/archive/2010/01/13/3305263.aspx or try http://www.msfn.org/board/topic/117154-trace-vista-bootshutdownhibernatestandbyresume-issues/ and hopefully xperf will keep tracing past the logon screen. – ta.speot.is – 2011-10-09T01:54:53.363



Your best bet is to switch methodologies. You should get Process monitor and have it log the processes that fire up on boot up.

You say minimal startup processes. But you should list them anyways. While unlikely, a single process could crush your startup times.


Posted 2011-10-08T23:26:08.553

Reputation: 21 453


A few things I can think of:

  • Check the system event logs to see what services are taking a lot time to start. My guess is anti-virus.
  • Maybe your user profile/registry files are corrupted. This should be reflected in event logs as well.
  • It is possible that your SSD has too many bad blocks on it and is having a degraded performance. Check its SMART info or do a performance benchmark to be sure.


Posted 2011-10-08T23:26:08.553

Reputation: 6 821


I had this problem with my i7-920 Windows 7 64-bit machine when I first installed it also. I found that uninstalling my hard disk driver in device manager and then rebooting fixed the issue. I would try that it worked for me, I never looked far enough into it to determine why it was causing that problem.


Posted 2011-10-08T23:26:08.553

Reputation: 758


You can optimize the use of an SSD on your Windows machine with SSD Tweaker:


For the bootup process to be faster you can disable some startup processes that are not important. You can control all of your startup process with Sysinternals Autoruns:



Posted 2011-10-08T23:26:08.553

Reputation: 404