It seems that most routers (2011) actually offer USB support and sharing media. However I've heard lots of horrors concerning firmware and all. I am looking for a networked hard disk of 2TB size, so I can use it for backups and watch my videos files (with a TV and all computers).
My questions are..
Would you recommend a networked HDD or a router with USB support (where an HDD can be attached and shared over the network)? Would there be any disadvantages from choosing one over the other?
If you recommend a networked HDD – since my 4 ports are used – does that mean I need a switch or hub?
1Could you please provide some examples as to what speed ranges we might expect with a device you listed compared to say an average 300 MHz/ 32 MiB of RAM ARM based device? – AndrejaKo – 2011-10-07T22:04:07.333
@AndrejaKo in your case, the bottleneck will be the RAM, but the actual value largely depends on what software is used to provide the file sharing functionality and how it is optimised. For SAMBA (Windows file sharing) you'll probably get less than 10MB/s which is even slower than what 100Mbps ethernet can do. You may get more performance through FTP which have less overhead. But 32MB is roughly the cache size of some high capacity disk drives, so it's really very small. – billc.cn – 2011-10-09T00:26:30.403