I want to limit the number of CPU cores and RAM which the OS sees. Is there any way of doing this in BIOS ? I tried changing the grub file with maxcpu parameter. Is there something which I can do in the BIOS itself ?
I want to limit the number of CPU cores and RAM which the OS sees. Is there any way of doing this in BIOS ? I tried changing the grub file with maxcpu parameter. Is there something which I can do in the BIOS itself ?
If this is for testing purposes, then I would virtualise the environment. That way you have complete control over the amount of CPUs and RAM the VM sees (even above your physical limits).
There's no value add in limiting cores in the BIOS, so few BIOS manufacturers do so. Stick to handling it at the OS level.
The problem is the image which I am trying to boot works only on a single processor machine. That is the reason I want to disable the other CPU cores. – prakashkut – 2011-10-07T04:59:23.667