Deleted item showing up in search results


I have created and deleted a site page in sharepoint 2010 site.But it is still showing in the search results..For your information I've deleted from the recycle bin also...Please let me know if any configuration have to do for the search...


Posted 2011-10-04T06:56:46.157


Have you full crawled the content source since deleting the page? Does the page show up in the crawl log? What is the status of the page in the crawl log success/warning/error? – None – 2011-10-04T20:37:53.743



The items are indexed, you don't search the actual items but only a reference to them.

See this article

Eric Herlitz

Posted 2011-10-04T06:56:46.157

Reputation: 345

Still facing the same issue :( – None – 2011-10-04T07:36:10.813