How can I make Windows 7 more touch-friendly?



Is there any software that I can install to make my experience on a Windows 7 tablet a bit better?

Here are some features I'd like to have:

  • automatically show virtual keyboard when i select a text zone, and automatically resize the window so it will be visible with the keyboard out
  • iPad-like copy and paste


Posted 2011-10-02T23:15:25.630

Reputation: 119



Here's a link you should find interesting. This guy has a list of free tools you can install and customize to make your Windows 7 pc more touch friendly. He even has a short demo video showing his own system customized.

Chris Pietschmann

Posted 2011-10-02T23:15:25.630

Reputation: 1 241

interesting, he don't do as expected but it may helps i ll give it a try – hassan – 2011-10-03T04:49:36.977