How to get SVG thumbnails in Windows Explorer?



I can open them in browser just OK, but how can I have thumbnails in the Windows Explorer?

Edit: I installed Renesis Player as suggested by this answer, but it does not work for me, probably because I have 64-bit system.


Posted 2011-10-01T20:24:44.833

Reputation: 2 721


There is an official Windows Feedback suggestion you can vote on for this feature:

– mikemaccana – 2017-06-20T09:06:37.500


That feedback link didn't open for me. This is the same issue except it's one I could access

– Daniel Tonon – 2017-11-28T04:47:21.253



Use this awesome SVG thumbnail shell extension which works fine in Windows 7 & Windows 8 & Windows 10 (both 64-bit and 32-bit):

Extension module for Windows Explorer to render SVG thumbnails, so that you can have an overview of your SVG files.

It is open source and free - what more can you ask for?

If you still have problems to view the thumbnails after installing this shell extension please refer to these instructions how to reset your icon cache in Windows 7/8.

On Windows 10 after installing try changing your SVG file association (the "Open With"). By changing it something somehow gets refreshed and it starts working.

Carsten Schmitz

Posted 2011-10-01T20:24:44.833

Reputation: 2 775

Half of the icons are displayed, half not. Win 10 x64 after rebuilding cache twice. – Mrchief – 2016-01-26T16:12:52.150

On windows 10 the 64 bit installer dssee_setup_x64_v011_signed.exe runs, but then it looks like it immediately runs the uninstaller, so the install fails. – Glenn Lawrence – 2016-03-07T17:35:48.597

8I eventually managed to get it to work by removing thumbnails in Disk Cleanup, scripts didn't work for me. – eggbert – 2016-11-18T17:21:39.850

2CCleaner helped me clearing the icon/thumbnail cache. – Hugo H – 2017-01-31T12:25:25.900

1Note you have to restart after the install. I've tried killing and restarting explorer.exe but it didn't work. – Rav – 2017-03-12T14:12:10.220

Dos prompt: ie4uinit.exe -ClearIconCache, taskkill /IM explorer.exe /F, explorer.exe – Simon Hughes – 2017-06-14T15:43:33.060

12As people have stated in the CodePlex dicussions area - after installing you should change your file association (the "Open With"). By changing it something somehow gets refreshed and it starts working. Nothing else needs to be done other than that. Works fine for me on Win10 64bit – DAG – 2017-08-10T18:41:15.413

1@SimonHughes: ie4unit.exe doesn't work on Windows 10. To be complete you need: del /f "%LOCALAPPDATA%\IconCache.db" and del /f "%LOCALAPPDATA%\Microsoft\Windows\Explorer\IconCache_*.db". If you also want to kill the Thumbnails Cache then add in del /f "%LOCALAPPDATA%\Microsoft\Windows\Explorer\ThumbCache_*.db" and stir. – AlwaysLearning – 2017-12-14T01:47:14.537


CodePlex is shutting down, but you can still find the installer binaries here:

– matt lohkamp – 2018-02-10T01:36:23.157

@mattlohkamp This is great but nothing is signed... :( – jsgoupil – 2018-02-12T01:58:55.913

killing explorer.exe worked for me. you must kill all instances, and it's best to open a cmd window to type explorer.exe if it doesn't start up again. – Simon – 2018-06-03T04:55:58.407

@DAG Thank you very much. Your comment is not getting the attention it deserves. I do suggest you to edit this answer. – matpop – 2018-06-03T08:57:27.160

It's also possible to clear thumbnails cache with CCleaner. =] – giovannipds – 2018-10-17T21:45:56.313

i downloaded and installed for Windows 10, 64, turned computer off, restarted - still no icons, then downloaded ccleaner and ran clean which is meant to clean thumbnail cache - still no icons. I also tried changing default program to open svg files from 'Google Chrome' to 'Sublime Text' (and back again) and that did nothing either. – user1063287 – 2019-06-27T04:14:02.120

update: i then followed the instructions from link in original post ( and manually deleted the IconCache file, restarted and still no icons - then i realised i had windows explorer in View > Details mode hehe :) It works now in any of the icon views.

– user1063287 – 2019-06-27T04:22:12.390

1Worked awesome on Win10x64 for me, and didn't even have to refresh my icon cache. Windows seemed to do it automatically as soon as the installer finished running. Nice! – eidylon – 2019-07-08T16:13:55.497

1Even with my Windows 7 64-bits system and the signed application, it still displays the Inkscape icon. Any idea on how to fix this? – Mikaël Mayer – 2013-10-12T09:40:11.547

Sorry, works fine here (same config). You will need to contact the makers for support. – Carsten Schmitz – 2013-10-18T12:43:38.550

Finally I made it work. I needed to wait a little bit more. – Mikaël Mayer – 2013-10-18T13:01:11.353


Yes, there are some issues related to refresh. You will need to delete your icon cache ( and say your prayers.

– Mike Nakis – 2013-10-30T13:37:49.687

Even works on Windows 8.1 64bit. Nice thingie :) – Adrian Marinica – 2014-01-22T09:18:09.890


In regards to the answer given by geo, in the event someone needs to rebuild the IconCache.db and wants to give a go at not needing to reboot try the following batch.


TASKKILL /IM explorer* /F
DEL "%localappdata%\IconCache.db" /A


Posted 2011-10-01T20:24:44.833

Reputation: 151

1Thanks for this! I should have mentioned in my response that the steps I gave were the "official" steps given by Microsoft. I too have found that killing 'explorer' and simply restarting it works, but I wanted to give the official instructions. – geo – 2015-03-11T01:37:21.693

1Or if you don't want to create a .bat file and have your system reboot, open a command prompt (as admin) and run this: TASKKILL /IM explorer* /F & DEL "%LOCALAPPDATA%\IconCache.db" /A & explorer.exe – Greg K – 2018-07-27T14:34:11.227

Win 10 x64: I ran Greg K's script from comment and had to run Disk Cleanup clearing the Icon Thumbnails. And that worked. – cederlof – 2019-04-30T06:47:13.973


Adobe Illustrator isn't the only way to do this, nor is it the best way to do this.

See the post by @Deckard above...

Follow the link he provided to the SVG Explorer Extension. Download and install Dotz Software SVG Explorer Extension, aka DSSEE.

Once installed, open Task Manager and kill all instances of explorer.exe. From the Task Manager menu, choose File->Run new task menu. In the dialog box, simply type explorer and hit OK.

NOTE: Please do the above step only if you're comfortable with killing and restarting processes through the Task Manager. If not, then simply reboot your system so that the new explorer extension can load.

From then on, all SVG images will show up as thumbnails in Windows Explorer.

This extension has worked perfectly for me on both Win7_x64 and Win8_x64! In fact, I was recently pleasantly surprised to learn that it displays thumbnails for compressed SVGZ images as seamlessly as it does the non-compressed versions.

NOTE (2014/07/17):

Per the comment by John Rasch, if you can't see the SVG thumbnails after following the steps above, you can clear your icon cache using the following batch file:


TASKKILL /IM explorer* /F
DEL "%LOCALAPPDATA%\IconCache.db" /A
shutdown /r /f /t 5 /d 02:04

Copy this to RebuildIconCache.bat and run it as Administrator. It will kill all Windows Explorer processes, which is required before you can delete the icon cache, then delete the icon cache, and, finally, reboot your system.

EDIT (2015/12/08):

As noted by @user1698811 below, the last line, "shutdown /r /f /t 5 /d 02:04", can simply be replaced with "explorer.exe", getting rid of the need to reboot.

EDIT (2015/03/10):

I know this question was asked about Windows 7, but I thought it would be useful to add instructions for Windows 8 and above...

Windows 8 introduced a new icon and thumbnail cache system. Instead of a single file containing the entire icon cache, Windows 8 uses multiple cache files, based on the size and type of icon. These files are stored in "%LOCALAPPDATA%\Microsoft\Windows\Explorer". As an example, that directory on my system includes the following files:

iconcache_16.db         thumbcache_16.db
iconcache_32.db         thumbcache_32.db
iconcache_48.db         thumbcache_48.db
iconcache_96.db         thumbcache_96.db
iconcache_256.db        thumbcache_256.db
iconcache_1024.db       thumbcache_1024.db
iconcache_exif.db       thumbcache_exif.db
iconcache_idx.db        thumbcache_idx.db
iconcache_sr.db         thumbcache_sr.db
iconcache_wide.db       thumbcache_wide.db

As a result, in order to clear the icon cache in Windows 8 or above, you would need to delete all of the 'iconcache_*.db' files in the above directory.

Note that, in addition to the above files, Windows 8 still retains the "%LOCALAPPDATA%\IconCache.db" file. I honestly don't know if this file is used or not, but, to be thorough, it would be best to continue to delete that file as well.

Therefore, for Windows 8 and above, we have the RebuildIconCache8.bat file as follows:


TASKKILL /IM explorer* /F
DEL "%LOCALAPPDATA%\IconCache.db" /A
DEL "%LOCALAPPDATA%\Microsoft\Windows\Explorer\iconcache_*.db" /A
shutdown /r /f /t 5 /d 02:04

or as @user1698811 suggested:


TASKKILL /IM explorer* /F
DEL "%LOCALAPPDATA%\IconCache.db" /A
DEL "%LOCALAPPDATA%\Microsoft\Windows\Explorer\iconcache_*.db" /A

which resets the icon cache without having to reboot.


Posted 2011-10-01T20:24:44.833

Reputation: 557

2For anyone else who still cannot see the icons after these steps (including rebooting), I also had to go to Disk Cleanup and select Thumbnails to delete the existing cached thumbnails. – John Rasch – 2014-07-16T15:46:37.567

It's a real downer that the original site does not offer install instructions as good as yours – BillyTom – 2015-12-04T08:15:20.290

1My icon cache files were in use. So deleting them didn't work. – Ian Grainger – 2017-02-17T15:14:17.807

CarstenSchmitz's solution is much easier. You just need to install an application and restart in his case. – Sergey Larin – 2017-08-23T20:10:15.063

1You can run this from a command prompt (as admin) without rebooting with this one liner: TASKKILL /IM explorer* /F & DEL "%LOCALAPPDATA%\IconCache.db" /A & explorer.exe – Greg K – 2018-07-27T14:33:31.010


  1. Download & install the latest svg viewer extension (32 or 64-bit)
  2. Download & run the rebuild_icon_cache.bat (if you still cannot see the thumbs)
  3. Reboot your system

This works on Windows 8.1 Pro 64-bit.


Posted 2011-10-01T20:24:44.833

Reputation: 31

1Many thanks - just doing step 1 worked perfectly for me. – Felix Eve – 2014-09-10T23:36:24.420

link of #2 doesn't exist anymore. – android developer – 2016-12-21T07:44:35.167


Codeplex no longer has the download for the binary there anymore. Use the github built version.

After downloading and clicking through the installer, then open an admin command prompt and run:

TASKKILL /IM explorer* /F
DEL "%localappdata%\IconCache.db" /A

Hope that helps.


Posted 2011-10-01T20:24:44.833

Reputation: 231


You could try the RENESIS Player Browser Plugins.



Posted 2011-10-01T20:24:44.833

Reputation: 2 335

This does not work on 64-bit Windows versions. – Carsten Schmitz – 2015-04-07T09:37:05.200


If you are using Windows 7 64bit, you have only one way to see thumbnails:

Open (install) Adobe Illustrator trial, then press File > Open and change to a thumbnail view of your SVG files, and it will show all your SVGs.

good luck

Posted 2011-10-01T20:24:44.833

Reputation: 11

2This is how to see a preview of thumbnails of the SVG within Illustrator and not in an explorer.exe window, as the question asked. – Mahmoud Al-Qudsi – 2016-12-26T20:58:42.830

Thanks. But are there other software which has this feature? Perhaps open-sourse Inkscape? – zbstof – 2011-11-08T18:41:36.647

No, sorry. Inkscape cannot do this. I have been on the lookout for such a software myself for quite some time. – Carsten Schmitz – 2011-11-12T17:23:55.040