How to create CD with auto run that opens full screen browser?


I have a CD with presentation made in HTML format (there are reasons for that). AutoPlay on Windows should open default browser and display presentation in full screen mode. How to achieve that?


Posted 2011-09-29T17:12:23.310

Reputation: 21

iexplore -k presentation.html is the best thing I came up with, but it's kiosk mode, not full screen and it opens IE, not default browser. – None – 2011-09-29T17:16:29.720



Simplest method that worked for me was launcher. There is one drawback - it uses integrated windows browser component instead of default browser and it ain't free.


Posted 2011-09-29T17:12:23.310

Reputation: 21


There are 2 possible modes to create a cd/dvd that will autorun to open the html file in a full screen mode.

1) Using a windows shell to maximize it. 2) Using a JavaScript

1)Using Windows Shell Method:

The following autorun.inf file invokes the command processor to start a full screen browser on the html file "index.htm":

open=command /c start /max index.htm

Note: Use of "command" & "start" restrict this to machines running Windows OS. So this won't be supported on other platforms.

2) Using a JavaScript

The following .inf file will invoke the browser:


now place the following script between Here goes your script tags :

<script type="text/javascript">
if (document.all || document.layers)
} else if (window.screen) {
  window.outerHeight = screen.availHeight;
  window.outerWidth = screen.availWidth;

Note: script wont maximize your window, it will just resize the browser window. This will run on all platforms.

Random Guy

Posted 2011-09-29T17:12:23.310

Reputation: 312

Theese two methods doesn't open window in fullscreen, they just maximize browser window. – Stancell – 2011-10-13T09:23:58.010

@Stancell Did you read my note? – Random Guy – 2011-10-13T09:29:43.567

There are 2 possible modes to create a cd/dvd that will autorun to open the html file in a full screen mode. @V413HAV: That was misleading, because none of your specified methods open window in full screen mode. – Stancell – 2011-10-21T13:21:35.077