Security warning in Win7 from the Links directory



Every shortcut placed to the Links bar (C:\Users\user_name\Favorites\Links) shows this security warning:

Open File - Security Warning Name ... Type: Shortcut ... files from Internet etc.

I can place to this directory shortcut to any program, to IE, Windows Explorer etc. - this security warning is always shown, when the shortcut is executed. How to get rid of this?

OS: Windows 7 Professional Edition.

Alex F

Posted 2011-09-30T07:30:00.887

Reputation: 475



first we have "turning off protected mode for the whole zone"

^ Overkill, which just leaves , disconnecting that folder from a zone in the registry, so you can leave the rest protected normally but exclude that folder? Or, changing the security level for that folder?

Disclaimer here: about disabling the things that warn users about potential threats, and allow crud from the web to takeover.


Posted 2011-09-30T07:30:00.887

Reputation: 8 067

@Psycogeek: This is an old post, but please consider adding the essential information from the links so it isn't a link-only answer. Thanks. – fixer1234 – 2015-03-18T17:33:48.007

1Thanks! There are two working solutions in the second link, I used more secure: Run cmd as adminintrator, execute: 1. cd %userprofile%\favorites 2. icacls links /setintegritylevel (CI)low – Alex F – 2011-09-30T16:22:07.810


The best working solution can be found here:

  1. Run cmd.exe as Administrator.

  2. Type the following command and press Enter

    ICACLS "C:\Users\user_name\Favorites\Links" /Setintegritylevel (OI)(CI)M


Posted 2011-09-30T07:30:00.887

Reputation: 51