Creating an archive from a directory without the directory name being added to the archive



I have the following folder structure:

  • root
    • folder1
    • folder2
    • folder3
    • 7za.exe

I want to run the 7-zip command line tool to compress all the files in folder1 to a zip file called

Running the following

7za.exe a -tzip folder1\\*.*

produces a zip file as expected. However, when I open the zip file, it has a folder in it called folder1, and inside that I have all the files that were inside that folder. I don't want the folder name added to the zip folder, i.e. I would like to add all the files in a "Flat" file format.

I also don't want to recursively run the command line tool for each individual file/folder.

Is there a switch that provides this functionality?


Posted 2011-09-26T16:51:38.073

Reputation: 963

Can you cd into folder1 and 7za.exe a -tzip ..\ *.*? – zpletan – 2011-09-26T17:09:46.197



From the 7-Zip Help file:

a (Add) command

Adds files to archive.


7z a subdir\

adds all files and subfolders from folder subdir to archive The filenames in archive will contain subdir\ prefix.

7z a .\subdir\*

adds all files and subfolders from folder subdir to archive The filenames in archive will not contain subdir\ prefix.

cd /D c:\dir1\

7z a c:\ dir2\dir3\

The filenames in archive c:\ will contain dir2\dir3\ prefix, but they will not contain c:\dir1\ prefix.

So the command you'd want would be: 7za.exe a .\folder1\*

Also, pay attention to 7-Zip's handling of wildcards. It doesn't treat *.* as "all files" -- it means "all files with a period in the filename." Extension-less files will be missed. If you really want all files, just use * instead.

Finally, the -tzip parameter isn't needed if the archive filename ends in .zip. 7-Zip is smart enough to figure out which format you want in those cases. It's only required when you want a custom extension (e.g. 7za.exe a -tzip foo.xpi <files> for a Mozilla Add-on).


Posted 2011-09-26T16:51:38.073

Reputation: 21 316


This worked for me

Consider folder structure like C:\Parent\SubFolders..... And you want to create which will contain all files and folders C:\Parent without parent folder [i.e it will start from SubFolders.....]

cd /D "C:\Parent"

"7z.exe" a "*.*" -r

This will create in C:\Parent

Pritesh Dhokchaule

Posted 2011-09-26T16:51:38.073

Reputation: 21

2This duplicates another answer and adds no new content. Please don't post an answer unless you actually have something new to contribute. – DavidPostill – 2016-06-07T20:38:44.243

Well while I was searching for solution I didn’t get exact this solution. Obviously I will not just copy paste some answers I found online. I spend some time on it so I felt I should share it. As per me you can find this exact answer here and on Stack Overflow posted by me. – Pritesh Dhokchaule – 2016-06-09T04:54:10.077

Note that 7-Zip does not consider *.* to mean "all files" but rather "all files that have a period as a part of the filename." So this answer will actually omit files that do not have an extension (this is noted in the accepted answer). – Bill_Stewart – 2019-02-25T19:33:05.067


Just to expand on the accepted answer (I was not able to add comment there):

On Linux adding '*' didn't work for me, so I ended up concocting more verbose command line which gave desired result:

curr_dir=$(pwd); \ 
cd source_code/lambda/ ; \
7z a ../../ .; \
cd $curr_dir \
unset curr_dir


script explanation:

  • save current dir path to use later;
  • navigate to directory which needs to be archived;
  • create archive (notice '.' (dot) in the end);
  • go back to the original dir;
  • get rid of the variable which stored original dir path

I hope it might be useful for somebody.


Posted 2011-09-26T16:51:38.073

Reputation: 11

I'd suggest to place the * in quotes (otherwise the shell will expand it to the files at this place). – Simon Sobisch – 2019-06-13T21:34:32.300


How about this. e.g. Folder/subFolder1, Folder/subfolder2

select all subfolder > rightclick then create archive > select whatever format

*The archive name would be the parent folder..

Simple right?


Posted 2011-09-26T16:51:38.073

Reputation: 1

3The question is about the CLI for 7-zip, not how to use the GUI. Learning how to use the GUI is pointless when you want to automate things. – binki – 2017-03-17T21:18:02.880