Early detection of machine (laptop, desktop, server, etc...) failure



Is there some kind of software application or hardware devices that can inform the owner of the machine that some kind of failure is going to happen soon?

What I mean by some kind of failure are - hard disk failure, ram failure, monitor failure, etc...

Larry Morries

Posted 2011-09-26T04:26:35.047

Reputation: 518



After reading the answer from Journeyman Geek and Bryan, I can conclude that there is currently no software suite (at this point of time) that can perform early detection of a machine (be it a laptop, server, desktop) failures.

Larry Morries

Posted 2011-09-26T04:26:35.047

Reputation: 518


Quite often failure is at a lower level than tools can detect. There's specific troubleshooting tools for specific issues though

Hard Drives: I tend to use gsmartcontrol to check drive health. Works on most common OSes

Ram: i tend to favour memtestx86+ run off a liveusb. I usually run this sparingly though, or when suspecting ram issues

BSODs: Quite often BSODs can be an indication of other issues - i use whocrashed to interpret these

there's no standard test for other things as far as i know

Journeyman Geek

Posted 2011-09-26T04:26:35.047

Reputation: 119 122

Yes, those program require to be run manually and each of them can only detect a specify kind of hardware failure. I am looking of a early-detection program that probably perform checkup on the machine when the machine is not doing work and popup a information message informing the owner which hardware (can be harddisk, monitor display, etc..) may fail in the next few days. – Larry Morries – 2011-09-26T05:40:43.597

My objective is to detect the failure before it fail and to replace that particular part(s) that may/will fail (probably in the next few days). – Larry Morries – 2011-09-26T05:50:44.693


Spinrite can tell you about the state of your hard drive.


Posted 2011-09-26T04:26:35.047

Reputation: 7 848

Can it also detect other machine failures? – Larry Morries – 2011-09-26T05:37:44.707

no, it's a hard drive tool. – bryan – 2011-09-26T17:36:04.657