Copy everything in a subdirectory across to the relevant subdirectory elsewhere


At the moment I'm doing:

for i in mdx/[0-9][0-9].png; do cp $i ../../d_s_c/images/mdx ; done

But as well as the directory mdx, I also have other directories called ntt, etc.

How can I say 'For everything in a subdirectory, copy it across to the same subdirectory over at at ../../d_s_c/images'?


Posted 2011-09-16T17:30:51.547

Reputation: 605

Bonus points for 'copy if file has changed or does not exist in destination, leave otherwise'. – Richard – 2011-09-16T17:31:19.410



If you only want to copy things that have changed or are new, you'd be better off using rsync. To cover your other subdirectories, presuming you don't want everything.

MYLIST="mdx ntt etc"
for j in $MYLIST
        rsync -aq --include='[0-9][0-9].png' --exclude='*' ./$j/ ../../d_s_c/images/$j/ ; 

If you want to see what it's doing, you can substitute v for q in the parameters. I think this should work for you, you may have to make some adjustments for your environment.


Posted 2011-09-16T17:30:51.547

Reputation: 2 293

This worked brilliantly, and I've learned something today, thank you! – Richard – 2011-09-16T21:18:19.777