Is there a way to limit Spotify's upstream P2P traffic?



As indicated here, Spotify slyly uses my bandwidth to provide other users with the service. Is there a way to limit the upstream traffic from Spotify so that my non-unlimited bandwidth is conserved?

I regularly run both Windows 7 and Ubuntu and I know that I can't entirely block upstream traffic, but I would like to limit it to ~30-50 kbps.


Posted 2011-09-16T16:33:07.670

Reputation: 259



Not from Spotify.

There are ways to do that with other software, however: Ubuntu has for example trickle and Windows has Netlimiter.


Posted 2011-09-16T16:33:07.670

Reputation: 1 851

I'm looking into how to do this on a Mac, and can't find a program that nicely identifies and allows you to limit specific services. If I want to use a program that will let me throttle specific ports, which ports should I throttle for spotify's upstream traffic? – Jay Neely – 2013-09-30T16:09:40.067


It might be possible to limit this traffic with your router's Quality of Service function if there is such.


Posted 2011-09-16T16:33:07.670

Reputation: 341