How can I reset a Windows 7 Guest account?


I managed to kill my computer's Guest acccount by deleting stuff from its %appdata% folder. I can't log in as Guest successfully.

How can I reset the whole profile to a clean state?

Tarnay Kálmán

Posted 2011-09-01T00:32:36.873

Reputation: 3 457

What version of Win7? Home? Pro? Ultimate? – SgtOJ – 2011-09-01T00:41:24.773



System Proprieties >> Advanced, Click settings on User Profiles then delete the Guest account.


Posted 2011-09-01T00:32:36.873



It's good practice for security reasons to disable (but don't delete) the built in Guest and Admin account. Before you disable them, create another Admin and Guest account. This will solve your problem and add some extra security.

Alt Option 1: Use Windows System Restore and restore to a point before you corrupted the guest account.

Alt Option 2: Open Command Prompt with Admin Privileges. Run this command: net user guest /delete. This will delete the built-in account all together. Then you could create new Guest account. However, I don't recommend deleting built-in accounts. Therefore, I recommend following my original instructions.


Posted 2011-09-01T00:32:36.873

Reputation: 6 843

Option 1 should not help, because system restore does not restore user profiles. – Tarnay Kálmán – 2011-09-05T16:19:39.090

And option 2 isn't valid: "Cannot perform this operation on built-in accounts." – Edward Brey – 2013-08-13T14:14:56.133