ps3mediaserver: Network error when seeking 720p or greater video


For three years there's been a known issue in ps3mediaserver.

Seeking, or trying to use the go to feature, on a video that has a vertical resolution of 720 or greater (i.e. hi-def) causes an error:

A network error has occurred

The issue is documented and open on the google code homepage.

The author doesn't seem too interested in fixing it. Has anyone come up with their own solutions?

Ian Boyd

Posted 2011-08-28T23:49:00.017

Reputation: 18 244

Try alternative software?

– Linker3000 – 2011-08-29T11:13:14.400

The only only media server i know of is TVersity. – Ian Boyd – 2011-08-29T12:08:23.880

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