Getting to Windows 7 shutdown menu with the keyboard



On my Windows XP I simply press Start -> U to see the Windows shutdown menu, so I can choose whether to shut down or restart or standby or whatever.

Is there a similarly elegant way to do that on Windows 7, without touching the mouse?

Ram Rachum

Posted 2011-08-27T21:11:58.940

Reputation: 4 261

3just press and hold the power button for 5 seconds – Uğur Gümüşhan – 2012-06-11T22:22:43.817

4just press the power button once ;-) – Ludovic Kuty – 2012-09-20T08:31:37.310



Try Win+D, followed by Alt+F4. Attempting to close the shell should display the shutdown dialog.


Posted 2011-08-27T21:11:58.940

Reputation: 283 655

4This work on pretty much ANY version of windows. – tylerl – 2011-08-28T00:22:03.180

23Bear in mind that this WONT work if you had pressed WIN+D once BEFORE this sequence. [WIN],[ESCAPE],[ALT]+[F4] is a more robust solution which you know will work even when you can't see the screen. You send ALT-F4 to the start button. – tylerl – 2011-08-28T00:26:35.123

16Shorter is to hit Win followed by ALT+F4 twice. – Tamara Wijsman – 2011-08-28T02:35:51.127

14+1 for getting me to close my web broaswer because I didn't hit Win D first... – PearsonArtPhoto – 2011-08-28T03:39:57.687

For me, this popups an alert Are you sure you want to exit Virtuawin. – Konerak – 2011-08-28T11:25:53.917

@tylerl, yours won't work after having pressed WIN once :) – Benoit – 2012-01-20T15:32:45.140


Win , , space = shutdown

Win , , = shutdown menu ( or to navigate)


Posted 2011-08-27T21:11:58.940

Reputation: 57 019

3Don't forget to mention that shutdown is still accessible from Ctrl+Alt+Del, using tab or the arrow keys. – JdeBP – 2011-08-28T01:28:49.950

8Actually, the first combination executes the default action (that can be overridden to be Sleep, for instance) – Bryan Menard – 2011-08-28T04:38:11.360

It's worth to change the default action to lock in order to avoid accidental shut downs. This happened to me more than once, before I changed it. After the change the items in the shutdown menu are still accessible with the keyboard via their shortcut key (u - shutdown, s - sleep, h -hibernate, etc.) – Tom – 2011-08-28T11:57:07.623


  • Win-R

  • type shutdown -t 0

  • enter

About the shutdown command

Preet Sangha

Posted 2011-08-27T21:11:58.940

Reputation: 1 126

5+1 for command line goodness and shutdown -f -t 0 will make sure this happens – Nixphoe – 2011-08-28T19:44:54.983


in order (not together)

  1. Win

  2. U


Posted 2011-08-27T21:11:58.940

Reputation: 706

thanks, Jeff. I've yet to take the time to learn all the nuances of this site. – StevenV – 2011-08-28T12:58:51.753

+1 for explaining "in order (not together)". I didn't understand the answers above till you pointed this out. – User – 2011-08-29T04:22:40.593


Another way is to press Ctrl+Alt+Del, then Shift-Tab twice, followed by Enter or Space.

This way is useful if you want to shut down without installing Windows Updates: Normally Windows 7 has no way to shut down without installing updates like XP did, but this way you can get to a shutdown menu with separate entries for Shut down and Shut down after installing updates.

Steven Noto

Posted 2011-08-27T21:11:58.940

Reputation: 286


This doesn't work if Process Explorer is wired up for Ctrl+Alt+Del (menu Options/Replace Task Manager).

– Peter Mortensen – 2011-08-28T08:38:11.493


Why not just configure your power button to shut your computer down? Just go to "Control Panel"/"Power Options" and click on "Chose what the power buttons do".

Alternatively, I just press Win, left arrow key (followed the left arrow key again and the up arrow, if shutdown is not your default option!)


Posted 2011-08-27T21:11:58.940

Reputation: 473

5Perhaps because for the same reason that xe doesn't want to move xyr hands from the keyboard to the mouse, xe doesn't want to bend down and grope blindly under the desk to reach the power button on the case that is sitting on the floor. Not everyone has a laptop or a Microsoft keyboard, you know. ☺ – JdeBP – 2011-08-29T01:55:13.377


If you have Process Explorer installed and running:

  1. Alt + TAB to Process Explorer

  2. Alt + F, H, S, Y

Peter Mortensen

Posted 2011-08-27T21:11:58.940

Reputation: 10 992

Brilliant - simple to learn and involves "only" 5 keypresses. I can hear the whole planet running towards their nearest Apple stores ... – 5arx – 2012-02-16T10:54:42.710


I got very fed-up with the Windows 7 Start Menu, its look and behaviour upset the tricks I've learnt since Windows 3.1. So I installed [Classic Start Menu] Classic Shell and got the old style menu back. Try it, you might like it.

It's lightweight, reliable and eminently configurable and your fancy-schmancy Windows 7 Start Menu is still there. I have mine set-up so Option + Click instantly displays it.


I have switched to Classic Shell which is even better than Classic Start Menu. All the above applies and more!

[In case anyone marks this as spam I'd just like to state that I have absolutely no connection with the organisation that produces it and you're welcome to contact me for further details if you like.]


Posted 2011-08-27T21:11:58.940

Reputation: 1 438

I found something similar. You It is a direct way of reverting back to the Classic Start Menu. But I haven't tested it. Here's my blog post that links to it (the original was written in German, in 2009)

– Ellie Kesselman – 2011-08-29T13:25:02.657

1Why not uninstall and use Win 3.1? It is guaranteed to keep those tricks you love :) – saintali – 2012-08-04T16:14:19.587

Why not go back to notebook and pen? Guaranteed not to bluescreen every hour ;-) – 5arx – 2012-08-06T07:55:03.933


I'm a keyboarder so I will do anything to keep from using the mouse. I find that if my pointer is actively on the desktop, the old Alt F4 works for me every time. Alternately, Windows key followed by a right arrow and then the enter key works for me as I have my system configured now.


Posted 2011-08-27T21:11:58.940

Reputation: 11