How to change the default location of .vimrc to inside ~/.vim/?



I use git to persist my ~/.vim directory. I'd like to store my vimrc file in this directory as well so that it will also live in the repository. How do I change the location where Vim searches for the vimrc file?


Posted 2011-08-25T03:49:39.623

Reputation: 337



You don't. Symlink it instead.

mv ~/.vimrc ~/.vim
ln -s  ~/.vim/.vimrc ~/.vim

You cam do the symlink thing to sync your vimrc through Dropbox as well.


Posted 2011-08-25T03:49:39.623

Reputation: 13 502

6I think you meant mv ~/.vimrc ~/.vim and ln -s ~/.vim/.vimrc ~/.vimrc". That's what I do, too, as well asln -s ~/Dropbox/vimfiles ~/.vim`. – garyjohn – 2011-08-25T04:41:18.487

Fixed. Thats the last time I answer on a phone at midnight :P – digitxp – 2011-08-25T13:08:22.917

For Windows you can use echo source ~/.vim/.vimrc > .vimrc instead, which works better than the actual symlink variant Windows uses. – Daan Bakker – 2013-03-06T22:51:56.653


digitxp's answer is probably the better one, but you can tell Vim to look for your vimrc anywhere you like with the -u command-line option, and gvimrc with -U, e.g.:

vim -u ~/.vim/vimrc -U ~/.vim/gvimrc


Posted 2011-08-25T03:49:39.623

Reputation: 16 267


Vim 7.4 also sources ~/.vim/vimrc by default. help vimrc says:

Unix $HOME/.vimrc or $HOME/.vim/vimrc

But my current favorite solution for backing up files anywhere is which concentrates all config files in a single place and handles symlink management for you.

See also:

Ciro Santilli 新疆改造中心法轮功六四事件

Posted 2011-08-25T03:49:39.623

Reputation: 5 621