How can I extract stills from a movie?


I would like to make a flipbook from a movie I made on my Mac. Is there any software that will extract, say 100 representative frames from 2 minutes of motion, or do I need to make screenshots manually?


Posted 2011-08-25T01:43:52.290

Reputation: 193



ffmpeg should do the trick with something like

  ffmpeg -i video.avi -an -ss 00:00:00 -r 10 -vframes 50 image%d.jpg

should take one still every 10 seconds and a total of 50 frames (r is the interval) and vframes is the number

I'd suggest the ffmpeg documentation for further finetuning

You need to install ffmpeg so here's the install guide for installing ffmpeg from source, though you can install ffmpegx and grab the ffmpeg binary from there instead, or get it from fink or macports

Journeyman Geek

Posted 2011-08-25T01:43:52.290

Reputation: 119 122

Brilliant solution -- thank you so much! The only think I did differently was to output the frames as .png's for better quality. – ed94133 – 2011-08-25T08:00:26.960

Just out of curiocity (i've never actually used a mac) - which install method did you go with? – Journeyman Geek – 2011-08-25T08:37:49.413

I installed ffmpegx then grabbed the ffmpeg binary -- super simple. – ed94133 – 2011-08-26T04:08:21.803


I've been using MPlayer for capturing still frames:

mplayer -nosound -sstep 1 -ss 00:02:00 -endpos 00:04:00 -vo png video.mkv
# mplayer -nosound -sstep 15 -vo png video.mkv
# -sstep = second steps, -ss = seek seconds, -vo = video output

And ImageMagick for combining the images:

montage *.png -tile 10x10 -geometry 150x+0+0 screencaps.jpg


Posted 2011-08-25T01:43:52.290

Reputation: 34 501