Is there a way to make web browsers completely reload a webpage?


Possible Duplicate:
How to force Internet Explorer (IE) to REALLY reload the page?
Does holding down Ctrl/Shift while clicking refresh actually have an effect in modern browsers?

I don't like IE in general however when you hold control and click the reload button it completely reloads the webpage. Pulls it from the source if you will. Is there a way to do this with Firefox and Chrome... extensions, addons, whatever...


Posted 2011-08-25T00:19:59.427

Reputation: 1 101

Question was closed 2011-11-10T16:14:35.540

1Not a dup, that guy wanted to do it in IE and I want to do it in all the other browsers... – John – 2011-08-25T00:34:11.073



Look here:

It has a pretty detailed description of what a refresh vs a shift-refresh does.

Firefox and Chrome should be pretty much the same as IE in this regard.

From the above link:

Generally speaking:

F5 may give you the same page even if the content is changed, because it may load the page from cache. But Ctrl-F5 forces a cache refresh, and will guarantee that if the content is changed, you will get the new content.


Posted 2011-08-25T00:19:59.427

Reputation: 2 097

2@bfhd would you mind summarize what that SO answer says, that way users don't have to follow the link in order to get an 'answer' – Ivo Flipse – 2011-08-25T10:18:09.567

okay, all done! – bfhd – 2011-08-25T22:51:52.963