How to find out which processes consume most energy on Linux



In Linux, is it possible to know which processes consume most battery energy at the moment?


Posted 2011-08-21T14:09:05.623

Reputation: 1 495

1Processes don't directly consume battery energy. They do by wasting CPU time, mostly. Take a look at top. – slhck – 2011-08-21T14:22:54.620



Yes, powertop. Look at the screenshot:


But powertop hasn't 100% precision, CPU isn't the only battery consumer. Use also iotop for the disk activity.

Rufo El Magufo

Posted 2011-08-21T14:09:05.623

Reputation: 615

thanks, wakeups-from-idle per second should be a small number - 17.4 on the picture, in my case it's 800-900. most wakeups are caused from network card(which is needed) and SingalSender - which should come from Chromium, but I don't have Chromium. what should I reduce the number of wakeups? – Sergey – 2011-08-21T16:57:59.733

Try with ethernet and wifi disconnected. Close all software. Look at powertop again. If the problem persist may be a bug in the kernel. – Rufo El Magufo – 2011-08-21T20:16:41.857