How to Record Audio in Windows 7



I need to permanently save a voice message on physical media. I purchased the cables and adapters to connect my cell phone's 2.5mm audio jack to one of my PC's 3.5mm audio jacks. Should I just use the line-in or would another jack be better? Should I use the headphone jack on my Logitech speakers?

Then, how do I configure Windows, or what application do I use, to record the audio?

Jim Fell

Posted 2011-08-18T15:18:52.320

Reputation: 5 069

I'm interested to see what cables and adapters you bought – None – 2011-08-20T04:50:03.090

@Revolter: I've had a cable like this ( ) for years. I recently purchased this ( ) adapter to complete the stated task.

– Jim Fell – 2011-08-22T14:32:10.780



Line-in would probably be the best match - a Mic-in would probably be overloaded by the signal. Once connected you may have to play the message a few times and experiment with the volume control on the phone to get the best level for an undistorted, clear recording.

Windows 7 has 'sound recorder' under the All Programs..Accessories menu, or you could have fun with Audacity - it's free to download and use.


Posted 2011-08-18T15:18:52.320

Reputation: 25 670

1Audacity would be a great solution. – Mike Wills – 2011-08-18T16:35:14.217

Linker, thanks! Audacity isn't the most user-friendly program out there, but after a bit of poking around I found that it has a lot of nice bells and whistles. – Jim Fell – 2011-08-22T14:26:55.810