How to use telnet in Windows Command Prompt?


I type this command in a Windows Command Prompt in XP.

telnet 80 

Connecting to appears and then telnet window opens, but there is nothing inside it.

If I type any command like GET / HTTP/1.1, it doesn't appear either.

Are my starting steps correct?


Posted 2011-08-17T16:14:09.200

Reputation: 155

Rephrasing what @user175737 said: type telnet 80; hit Enter key bringing you a blank console; type GET / HTTP/1.0 (won't show on screen); hit Enter key twice. – Franklin Yu – 2018-03-07T20:45:45.277

Might be better suited to be asked in SuperUser... – Corey Ogburn – 2011-08-17T16:16:22.413

i think everything is working as it should - telnet does not echo it's prompt .. just make sure to use the proper commands and encoding ... sending some useless glibberish should prompt some answer though. – None – 2011-08-17T16:18:16.737

I m sorry, but what does that mean ?? – None – 2011-08-17T16:18:25.050

type "telnet 80", enter, type "GET/HTTP/1.0" (won't show on screen), Then press enter twice. (Don't type quotes) Don't bother though, it's just an error. – None – 2012-11-25T04:27:00.870



Telnet has no echoing by default. Enter telnet in interactive mode (no arguments, just execute telnet). Then type set localecho. Then open host port.

I suggest you to use netcat, easier to use and way more powerful. telnet is obsolete.


Posted 2011-08-17T16:14:09.200

Reputation: 1 317

Note that when you see Connecting To it has already connected. I thought I need to wait for the connection to succeed, only to find Connection to host lost.. – Franklin Yu – 2018-03-07T20:43:37.983


You're trying to connect to an HTTP server, that's what is on port 80 most of the time. The HTTP protocol requires that the guest start talking first. You may want to read up on HTTP if you want to explore:

But connecting to port 80 won't get you a shell, telnet servers usually operate on port 23. But telnet is not really used over the Internet anymore because it's not secure.


Posted 2011-08-17T16:14:09.200

Reputation: 141