How to access the "Shared folders" in VirtualBox?


I am running Fedora from VirtualBox with Windows XP as the OS host. How do I mount the selected shared folder in Linux?


Posted 2009-07-15T12:08:59.467




I mounted it on a Debian distro in VirtualBox and it worked without a problem:

(Check if needed

sh /cdrom/ mount -t vboxsf


Posted 2009-07-15T12:08:59.467


1if you want the shared folder be available permanently, use: 1. mkdir /mnt/your_folder 2. sudo nano /etc/rc.local 3.add line: mount -t vboxsf -w -o uid=1000,gid=1000 your_folder /mnt/your_folder 4. save and reboot – Alexey – 2010-11-11T11:13:34.633


Rather old but just in case:

mount.vboxsf -w nameofsharedfolderinvbox /destination/path/on/linux

Also to add it to fstab:

nameofsharedfolderinvbox  /destination/path/on/linux  vboxsf  defaults  0 0


Posted 2009-07-15T12:08:59.467

Reputation: 168


Obvious question, does /home/user/vsharebox exist?

Are the Guest Additions installed in your Fedora VM and are they up to date with the running kernel?


Posted 2009-07-15T12:08:59.467

Reputation: 121

Yes, the folder is there. As for the guest additions, I really didn't check. The monitor resolutions works, so does the mouse capture functionality, so I guess it runs properly. – None – 2009-07-15T16:31:20.833

Which version of VirtualBox are you running? Have you upgraded to 3.0.x? Just to be safe, go ahead and do the Devices->Install Guest Additions to present the CD to Fedora. Then run the appropriate VBoxLinuxAdditions script from wherever the CD mounts. After it installs, simply run service vboxadd start and assuming it starts successfullly, then try your mount again. – TCampbell – 2009-07-15T17:20:24.433

The VirtualBox is v3.0.2. I restarted the script and the machine and got: [root@xyz user]# mount -t vboxsf Workspace /home/user/Workspace /sbin/mount.vboxsf: mounting failed with the error: Protocol error – None – 2009-07-15T20:29:52.477

If you install Guest Additions, make sure you reboot. If you set the share to automount in VirtualBox, after rebooting it will show up at /media/[sharename] – Michael Munsey – 2013-08-28T23:07:49.817


Not sure what the command is exaclty for fedora, but here are a couple of examples:

sudo smbmount \\\\\\c\$ /mnt/localFolder/ -o username=administrator
mount -t cifs \\\\WindowsHostName\\utility /mnt/localfolder -o username=administrator

And you might need a package like smbfs or samba-client.

Kyle Brandt

Posted 2009-07-15T12:08:59.467

Reputation: 3 089

I think you misunderstood my question. It's not a network drive. I pointed to a folder going to Devices->Share Folders...->Machine Folders. I tried "mount -t vboxsf <name> /home/user/vsharebox" but it failed with "sbin/mount.vboxsf: mounting failed with the error: No such file or directory". – None – 2009-07-15T13:00:04.767


for fedora 10 [i modified the debian command posted by cmserv, above]: sudo sh /media/VBOXADDITIONS_2.2.2_46594/ vfs-module


Posted 2009-07-15T12:08:59.467
