Are there any unix shells that support mouse reporting?



I am currently using bash on OSX (via iTerm2). Sometimes I have to run programs with a very lengthy set of command line arguments. If I find that I've mistyped, it takes way too long to arrow back to the mistake and fix it. I know some programs, such as nano, support mouse reporting for cursor positioning. Is this supported by any shells, or (even better) as an option to bash?

John Didion

Posted 2011-08-12T13:38:43.200

Reputation: 35

Question was closed 2016-05-23T21:44:42.363

2I know that there are zsh scripts that add mouse support, but haven't tried any. – Joe Internet – 2011-08-12T14:41:30.720



Sounds like you would benefit from investing a short amount of time in learning some default readline keyboard shortcuts. Note that user606723's answer above gives some basic ones but the Home and Alt+arrow keys do not work on all terminals. Here are a few of the ones I find the following most useful and which also work in more terminals.

(Unless otherwise noted, "word" means an alphanumeric string.)

  • Alt-f: go one word forward.
  • Alt-b: go one word back.
  • Ctrl-a: go to beginning of line
  • Ctrl-e: go to end of line
  • Alt-d: delete to end of word
  • Alt-Backspace: delete to beginning of word
  • Ctrl-w: delete backwards to whitespace
  • Ctrl-y: paste most recently deleted text
  • Ctrl-b, Ctrl-f: move backward/forward one character, equivalent to left and right
  • Ctrl-h, Ctrl-d: equivalent to Backspace and Delete, respectively.

I list the last few because I find them more convenient than reaching for the arrow keys or delete/backspace. You can see how with these basic shortcuts you can do quite a bit of editing rather easily. But there are more:

  • Alt-.: rotate through the last word (white-space delimited) of the previous lines in history. Using it one gets you the last argument of the most recent command you typed.
  • Ctrl-_: undo (incremental)
  • Ctrl-]: search forward for character (like f in vim, but less convenient)
  • Ctrl-r: reverse history search
  • Alt-0...Alt-9: numeric argument to next command. For example if you wanted to delete 4 words: Alt-4Alt-d. Or if you need 1024 A's on the command line for some reason: Alt-1024A.
  • Ctrl-u: delete from cursor position to beginning of line
  • Ctrl-k: delete from cursor position to end of line

And these are just a few of the ones I use - there are many more in the manpage.


Posted 2011-08-12T13:38:43.200

Reputation: 1 163

I selected this answer because it's the one I think I will use, but these are all great solutions. Thanks! – John Didion – 2011-08-14T12:34:46.297


I don't know but ...

History Expansion

to repeat the last command after correcting teh to the


to repeat the last command that contained the word foo after changing the first occurrence of bar to qax


Line editing

you can use emacs-style editing commands to move quickly through the line.

I prefer vi mode set -o vi which means I can use b and w to move back and forwards a word at a time and use fx to move the cursor to the next occurrence of a specific character x.


Posted 2011-08-12T13:38:43.200

Reputation: 70 632


GPM (General Purpose Mouse) is a mouse server for the console and xterm

EDIT: Apparently there's also a version 2.


Posted 2011-08-12T13:38:43.200

Reputation: 1 390


This isn't an 'answer', but it is a solution. I am submitting it as an answer because I require the extra room.

Have you tried using a combination of Home and Alt + Left

  • Home - Will take to the front of the command.
  • End - Will take to the end of the command.
  • Alt + Left - Will take you a "word" to the left.
  • Alt + Right - Will take you a "word" to the right.

With these key combos, it should be alot easier to traverse back to your mistake =)


Posted 2011-08-12T13:38:43.200

Reputation: 1 217