How to remote access Windows from Linux?



Possible Duplicate:
Access windows box from linux

Is there a way to remote access a Windows 7 machine from Ubuntu Linux using RDP (Remote Desktop Protocol)?

I use "mstsc.exe" for Windows to Windows connections. What is the equivalent of "mstsc.exe" that I can easily run from Ubuntu?


Posted 2011-08-11T00:21:11.837

Reputation: 28 202

Question was closed 2011-08-11T00:32:32.287



rdesktop is the ticket my friend. It rocks.

apt-get install rdesktop


$ rdesktop [hostname]

and of course 'rdesktop --help' will explain how to use it. Here's some extra docs for you. Those extra docs refer to "Terminal Server Client" too:

Terminal Server Client (Applications > Internet > Terminal Server Client) is a GUI front-end to VNC and rdesktop

You can install that through the software center and use it if the command-line calls are too disconcerting.

James T Snell

Posted 2011-08-11T00:21:11.837

Reputation: 5 726

Could one use rdesktop to connect to Windows instances of Azure / Google Cloud / AWS using RDP? – Royi – 2017-12-15T09:48:42.993

Provided the security settings allow it, yes, it can be done. I highly recommend NOT exposing your RDP service ports to the internet though. If you're using a cloud, build your own private network, VPN in to it and then connect to the RDP ports as needed. – James T Snell – 2017-12-15T17:12:10.643

2If its over a wan, rdesktop -Pz hostname enables bitmap caching and compression, making the thing much more bearable. – crasic – 2011-08-11T00:28:46.837

+1 @crasic - neat, didn't know that. I always remotely access through ssh tunnels and I just compress those (probably is about the same speed ad I bet both methods apply gzip). – James T Snell – 2011-08-11T00:30:56.150

1ssh won't do on-disk caching though, so you would at least benefit from the -P flag – crasic – 2011-08-11T00:37:07.420

@crasic: Ahh good point. – James T Snell – 2011-08-11T01:55:27.170