Can I make my window (session?) manager remember what workspace to place a window in?


I use Gnome on a RHEL system. When I launch a new program, the window manager (?) seems to make an effort to remember the size and position of the window when I last used it. However, I don't know how I can get it to remember what workspace it was last on.

Actually, bonus question: ideally, I'd like to be able to have a single program (in my case, Firefox) launch with different windows on different workspaces. They're set up this way when I log off, and I'd like them to come back the same way the following day when I log back in.


Posted 2011-08-09T17:04:12.723

Reputation: 1 316

What Window Manager are you using? Metacity? Compiz? Unity? Something else? – frabjous – 2011-08-09T17:07:23.260

So kinda like how Lion works? – digitxp – 2011-08-09T17:23:03.773

Haven't used Lion. And I think I may be too much of a Linux-newb to answer the window manager question. GDM I think? gdm-binary shows up in ps. – Coderer – 2011-08-09T23:00:42.787

the term you are searching for is 'session-manager' (not so much 'window manager') – akira – 2011-08-10T06:48:48.713



This previous question seems to provide a solution: you can use Devil's Pie to programmatically move your app windows to the correct workspaces based on certain properties (program name, window title, etc.)

If you want a fully dynamic behavior, you can probably run a script at logout time that records which program is on which workspace, but having not used Devil's Pie myself I'm not sure how much work that'd be.


Posted 2011-08-09T17:04:12.723

Reputation: 470

I'm going to take this as "you can't do this natively" and assume that if I cared enough to do so, I could use the program you suggest. Thanks! – Coderer – 2012-05-21T15:18:00.993