Tried everything to get Windows Installer working. Any options beyond?



I am trying to fix a client's computer and the Windows installer is shot. I've tried EVERYTHING I can find on the internet. Nothing's worked yet.

I have tried:

  • System Restore — Failed, and even deleted the earlier points due to corruption
  • sfc /scannow — shows corrupted files, but does nothing to fix
  • Booted from the install CD to repair, and didn't find any issues
  • chkdsk /f — still nothing
  • net start msiservice — yields a cannot start, and no errors.
  • registered the service and unregistered and reregistered — still no help
  • I tried something via Microsoft's site having to do with attributes, permissions, I believe. But it was related to dllcache, which I saw doesn't exist in Windows 7, so that one's out.

Is there even anything else to do at this point?


Posted 2011-08-09T05:11:32.030

Reputation: 617

1Update the Windows Installer? – Martheen Cahya Paulo – 2011-08-09T05:22:38.663

2Beyond EVERYTHING there's nothing you can do. – trolle3000 – 2011-08-09T05:46:23.847

yep, easier fix was a wipe and re-install. – Joseph – 2011-08-11T04:35:52.890



(Before doing anything else, make sure all the data is backed up, and verify that you can restore from the backup.)

Here are a few things you can try:

  1. Try a different installation CD to rule out corrupt media.

  2. If it still fails, then run a fresh installation (sometimes a Windows environment can be so badly corrupted that a new installation is the faster and simpler solution).

  3. If that fails, then you have a hardware problem.

  4. Update the BIOS and try again as a last resort before swapping hardware (start with the hard drive).

Randolf Richardson

Posted 2011-08-09T05:11:32.030

Reputation: 14 002

1Yea, I was afraid of that. Guess I'll start the backup! Thanks ya'll! – Joseph – 2011-08-09T06:46:58.327