How can I force chrome to remember my passwords?



Possible Duplicate:
Can I force Google Chrome to remember passwords?

On most sites, chrome has stored my passwords, however, on one particular site ( I can't get it to ask if I want to remember the password.

Is there a way to manually do this or force chrome to save the password?

Scott B

Posted 2011-08-02T14:55:29.267

Reputation: 659

Question was closed 2011-08-23T17:37:57.963


Possibly a duplicate of

– Nicolas Kaiser – 2011-08-23T15:46:48.080



I have been aggravated for quite a while because Chrome did not remember username and password at a website I frequently use. The website is not one that should be highly concerned about security such as a financial site like PayPal. Searching for solutions I found one comment that it may be that the website redirects so fast that the Chrome prompt to save is overwritten (or some other mechanism may be repressing or causing the Chrome save password prompt to go away).

I just found a solution to this that makes me very happy. I go into tools / options / personal stuff and click on "Import data from another browser" then select Firefox from the dropdown menu, and uncheck everything except "Saved Passwords" then click "Import" and VOILA the saved username and password I had for the website in Firefox is now in Chrome. :-)


Posted 2011-08-02T14:55:29.267

Reputation: 91


Follow the directions on this article and you should be able to save your password. It basically uses a JavaScript code to force the browser to prompt for remembering the password.

You can use this add-on: Autocomplete = on. However, one of the comments on the add-on says it doesn't work for PayPal's website. It may be worthwhile testing that out for yourself.

Disclaimer: In most cases sites that do not allow you to save the password usually do it for security reasons, which is probably true for PayPal as well. So it may not be a good idea to save your password for such sites, putting your personal information at risk.


Posted 2011-08-02T14:55:29.267

Reputation: 3 127

And the first part of this answer is wrong, too, as even that article recognises that "we could not get it to work within Chrome despite the success message that autocomplete was enabled." – SarahofGaia – 2015-10-19T21:29:24.450

1Thanks Mahendru! I can save the paypal password on Safari for Mac OSX Lion. Not sure why other browsers (on PC) do not allow it. – Scott B – 2011-08-02T18:30:23.790

No problem. Thats why I recommended testing it. Just because the add-on did not work for one user, doesn't mean that it doesn't work at all. Please accept the answer if it worked for you. Thanks! – TookTheRook – 2011-08-02T18:33:33.880

The link specified here is now inaccessible. – SMeznaric – 2013-05-01T18:14:17.560