How can I reset the default .bat file handler in Windows Vista?


I make a mistake one day: I made notepad the default application for opening .bat files. I've tried using cmd.exe to open a .bat file, but all it does is open a new window; it doesn't execute the script. How can I restore the default behavior for batch files? I'm using Windows Vista.


Posted 2009-08-29T00:46:36.997

Reputation: 123



  1. Download and install Creative Element Power Tools.
  2. Open the Creative Element Power Tools Control Panel.
  3. Turn on the Edit file type associations option, and click Accept.
  4. Right-click a file of the type you want to change, and select Edit File Type to show this window:

alt text

Highlight .bat and remove it.


Posted 2009-08-29T00:46:36.997


I had to create a new one, but the default settings seams to have worked, thanks – matmat07 – 2009-08-29T01:11:28.177

you're more than welcome. – None – 2009-08-29T01:16:54.363