I'm formatting a 1TB external hard drive as a single NTFS partition. This drive is mainly meant for storing media.
Should I choose something other than the default allocation unit size
? The options range from 512 bytes to 64K. Are there any guidelines that I should use with partitions storing other data? Should I stop poking around and just leave it at "default"?
4Don't exceed 4096 or else you won't be able to use NTFS file compression at all. – None – 2014-12-09T21:17:56.500
1There is an incompatibility for NTbackup,exe+WIN XP writing a bkf backup file to a partition with a cluster size > 2K. Cluster size makes the backup file fail to verify or restore any files (NTbackup was originally from tape I/O era). I came across this when I bought a external 2TB drive that came with default 4K cluster size. Reformat the external drive partition to use 2K cluster fixed it. (2K cluster is not suitable for any larger partition). I did find other networked machines could make valid backup when 4K cluster drive was a net share I guess SMB client does not see any cluster size. – Scott R – 2018-02-02T23:18:33.647
1What if you are formatting a 32GB flash drive for booting multiple iso distributions such as memtest, linux and hiren's boot cd? – bgmCoder – 2018-05-11T15:25:29.893
Defaults are almost always good. – Mike Christiansen – 2012-10-02T06:31:14.450