How to get unique hardware ID for SunRay thin client


I am currently sitting in front of a SunRay 2 thin client running a recent version of OpenSUSE. I would like to modify my .bashrc to make some changes to the environment depending on which particular thin client I am using, but I cannot figure out how to find any sort of information which will identify the client I am using.

Is there any way that I can get any sort of unique ID for this machine?

Less generally, I am trying to setup keycode mappings for my personal keyboard which I have attached to this machine, so a way to identify the keyboard would also suffice.

Mike Boers

Posted 2011-07-26T18:01:53.203

Reputation: 101



Turns out that the environment variable SUN_SUNRAY_TOKEN contains pseudo.<mac address>, so I can latch on to that.

Mike Boers

Posted 2011-07-26T18:01:53.203

Reputation: 101