How to make commands in Mathematica 8 use all cores?



Many commands in Mathematica 8 (Integrate, Simplify, etc.) seem to only be using a single core on my system. Is there any way I can change the affinity so that it utilizes all cores for computations?


Posted 2011-07-26T16:02:29.437

Reputation: 133

4My guess is that those commands can not be easily parallelized and therefore won't deliver better performance when run on different cores at the same time. That's why Wolfram didn't bother to implement it for parallel computing. I'm no expert in theoretical computer science and mathematics though, so I wouldn't know how to implement an integration algorithm. – slhck – 2011-07-26T16:05:21.073



As mentioned in the other questions and comments, things like Integrate and Simplify would be really difficult to parallelize, so Mathematica returns the message Parallelize::nopar1 and proceeds "with sequential evaluation."

(Although on reflection, maybe FullSimplify could be parallelized, since it basically works by trying lots of different rules and doing leafcounts on them...)

If you have many integrals or simplifications to do, then you could use ParallelTable or ParallelMap etc...

As a trivial example, if you have the integrands

In[1]:= ints = Table[x^n, {n, 1, 10}]
Out[1]= {x, x^2, x^3, x^4, x^5, x^6, x^7, x^8, x^9, x^10}

You can use ParallelTable

In[2]:= ParallelTable[Integrate[int, x], {int, ints}]
Out[2]= {x^2/2, x^3/3, x^4/4, x^5/5, x^6/6, x^7/7, x^8/8,\ 
         x^9/9, x^10/10, x^11/11}

or ParallelMap

In[3]:= ParallelMap[Integrate[#, x] &, ints]
Out[3]= {x^2/2, x^3/3, x^4/4, x^5/5, x^6/6, x^7/7, x^8/8,\  
         x^9/9, x^10/10, x^11/11}

Obviously for small lists of integrals like the above, the parallelization overhead is probably larger than benefit. But if you have really large lists and complex integrals, then it's probably worth it.

Edit in response to comments

Given the really messy integrand that the OP is interested in (note: you should really simplify your results as you go!), here's some code that breaks the integral into a sum of monomials and performs the integrals using ParallelDo.

First we import the integral from pastebin

In[1]:= import = Import["", "Text"];

extract the integration domain

In[2]:= intLimits = Rest@(2 Pi^5 ToExpression[StringReplace[import, "Integrate" -> "List"]])
        vars = intLimits[[All, 1]];

Out[2]= {{\[Theta]3, 0, 2*Pi}, {\[Theta]2, 0, 2*Pi}, 
         {\[Theta]1, 0, 2*Pi}, {\[CurlyPhi]2, 0, Pi/2}, {\[CurlyPhi]1, 0, Pi/2}}

and the integrand, which comes as the sum of 21 monsterous terms

In[4]:= integrand = First@(2 Pi^5 ToExpression[StringReplace[import, "Integrate" -> "Hold"]]);

Out[5]= 21
Out[6]= 48111

We need to break the horrible mess down into bite sized chunks. First we extract all of the different functions from the integral

In[7]:= (fns=Union[vars, Cases[integrand, (Cos|Sin|Tan|Sec|Csc|Cot)[x_]/;!FreeQ[x,Alternatives@@vars],Infinity]])//Timing
Out[7]= {0.1,{\[Theta]1, <snip> ,Tan[\[CurlyPhi]2]}}

We find the (13849 nonvanishing) coefficients of monomials constructed from fns

In[8]:= coef = CoefficientRules[integrand, fns]; // Timing

Out[8]= {35.63, Null}
Out[9]= 13849

Check that all of the coefficients are free of any integration variables

In[10]:= FreeQ[coef[[All, 2]], Alternatives@@vars]
Out[10]= True

Note that we can actually clean up the coefficients using Factor or Simplify and decrease the ByteSize by about 5 times... But since the integrals of most of the monomials are zero, we might as well leave simplifications until the very end.

This is how you reconstruct a monomial, integrate it and recombine with its coefficient, for example, the 40th monomial gives a nonvanishing integral:

In[11]:= monomialNum=40;
         Integrate[%, Sequence@@intLimits]
         coef[[monomialNum,2]] %//Factor
Out[12]= \[Theta]1 Cos[\[Theta]1]^2 Cos[\[CurlyPhi]1]^4 Cos[4 \[CurlyPhi]1] Cos[\[CurlyPhi]2]^4 Cos[2 \[CurlyPhi]2] Sin[\[Theta]1]^2
Out[13]= \[Pi]^6/256
Out[14]= -((k1^2 (k1-k2) (k1+k2) (-2+p) p^3 \[Pi]^6 \[Sigma]^4)/(131072 \[Omega]1))

For now I'll reduce the number of terms, since it would take forever to do all of the integrals on my dual-core laptop. Delete or comment out the following line when you want to evaluate the whole set of integrals

In[15]:= coef = RandomChoice[coef, 100];  (* Delete me!! *)

OK, initialize an empty list for the monomial integration results

In[16]:= SetSharedVariable[ints]
         ints = ConstantArray[Null, Length@coef];

As we perform the integrals, we Print out num: {timing, result} for each monomial integrated. The CellLabel of each printed cell tells you which core did the integral. The printing can get annoying - if it does annoy you, then replace Print with PrintTempory or ##&. You could also monitor the calculation using a Dynamic variable of some sort: e.g. a progress bar.

ParallelDo[Print[c, ": ", Timing[
            ints[[c]] = Integrate[Times@@(fns^coef[[c,1]]), Sequence@@intLimits]]], 
           {c, Length@coef}]

Combine with their coefficients

1/(2 Pi^5) Simplify[ints.coef[[All, 2]]]

And (hopefully) that's that!


Posted 2011-07-26T16:02:29.437

Reputation: 645

I have integral by five variables, ok for beginning I can integrate one by one, but the problem is how to use all cores for this one integral. Of course FullSimplify command also can not be parallelized. – derdack – 2011-07-28T13:20:03.860

An iterated/multidimensional integral? If it's numeric, then you could parallelize a Monte Carlo evaluation. If it's an analytic result you want, you might be in trouble. What I meant by the FullSimplify comment is that the algorithm probably has room for some parallelization - not that you could get Mma to parallelize it in its current form.

– Simon – 2011-07-28T14:01:59.480

Problem is that I want analytic result. For a beginning I can decouple my multiple integral. But Analytic calculation for just one can be one month or I don't know how long, because I have computer with 16 cores and I can use just one for calculating. "Maple 15" wrote that they have parallel computation in this version, but I tested and for integrating also couldn't work on many cores in same time.

– derdack – 2011-07-28T15:39:12.763

Sorry, I mean my limits of integrals are numerical values. I have for example: Integrate [0..5] Integrate [0..8] Integrate [0..2](large function) dx dy dz. Large function is in the form: ax+by+c*z, where a,b,c are analytical constants in form of a, b, c. Can use parallelize in this case? – derdack – 2011-07-28T17:28:14.340

So you have an integral of the form int (a x + b y + c z) dx dy dz where a, b and c are independent of x, y, and z? Isn't that trivial - or am I missing something? – Simon – 2011-07-29T01:37:41.197

Of course not, I have f(x,y,z) under the three-integral which is so large on 20 pages in combination with constants, but limits of integrals are numeric values. Can I use all cores in this case and how? – derdack – 2011-07-29T10:58:50.190

Well... if your f(x,y,z) is so big, then maybe you can break it into pieces that you can treat separately and on different cores. It all depends on the structure of the integrand. Try using Apart and Expand and TrigExpand, then turn hit the sum of terms with List@@. If there are poles in the expanded function then you'll have to be more careful. But eventually, you might have to face the fact that most integrals can not be solved in closed form. – Simon – 2011-07-29T11:29:09.240

No, this integral has a closed form because it is combination of trigonometric function and my limits of integrals are Pi or Pi/2. So, I suppose that can be solved. But function is too large when I will use expand or apart, this will spend lot of time also on one core, ok if it will not spend much time for this it will be function on 50 pages? And what to to do after with the list? – derdack – 2011-07-29T12:07:36.833

I was thinking something like terms = List@@Apart[1/(x^2 - 1)] Total@ParallelTable[Integrate[t, x], {t, terms}]. Chuck the integrand in InputForm into pastebin (or the notebook onto a file server somewhere) and I'll have a quick look.

– Simon – 2011-07-29T12:41:18.627 Also you got it on a mail. – derdack – 2011-07-29T13:10:38.333

@derdack: See edit – Simon – 2011-07-31T05:26:12.403


From the Parallelize doumentation, under Examples > Possible Issues:

Expressions that cannot be parallelized are evaluated normally:

Parallelize[Integrate[1/(x - 1), x]]

enter image description here


Posted 2011-07-26T16:02:29.437

Reputation: 12 231

Do you think that it is the same problem under the Linux? – derdack – 2011-07-26T16:36:18.630

Because I got this message on Win7: ParallelCombine::nopar: No parallel kernels available; proceeding with sequential evaluation. >> – derdack – 2011-07-26T16:40:11.967

1A "kernel" in computation is, simply speaking, only the part of an algorithm that is applied on the data over and over again. If there is no parallel kernel for a task, it can't be run in parallel. This is the same for every operating system and solely dependent on the software, i.e. Mathematica. – slhck – 2011-07-26T16:48:44.703