How to save "scroll state" of PDF file in Chrome?



Chrome does not save the "scroll state" of a PDF file.

(Try opening a PDF file, closing the tab, and then re-opening it with CtrlShiftT. Or restart the browser after selecting "Settings" → "On startup" → "Continue where you left off".)

How can we enable this behavior?

Is there a flag to do so?


Posted 2011-07-22T10:21:35.597

Reputation: 22 232



You could use this, it's the firefox pdf reader for Chrome/Chromium.

Gastón Caruso

Posted 2011-07-22T10:21:35.597

Reputation: 66

But does it save the "scroll state" of the PDF.. as the question states? – Insane – 2015-10-23T03:52:17.283

1Yes it save the "scroll state". – Gastón Caruso – 2015-10-23T04:40:06.323

@GastónCaruso, Nice this works as expected, though there are some minor problems (it hijacks all responses that have Content-Type: application/pdf even when the responses are non 2xx, e.g. it shouldn't try to interpret the link because the response code is 303). Will be accepting this answer until a better one comes along. Btw, any disclaimers?

– Pacerier – 2015-10-29T18:45:26.450


Not sure if this is possible in Chrome, but if you fire up adobe reader, which Chrome uses, there is a setting to "remember last document view."


enter image description here


Posted 2011-07-22T10:21:35.597

Reputation: 21 453

I included a screen shot. – surfasb – 2011-07-23T07:25:53.800

No. Chrome should of installed Adobe reader along with the browser. At least mine does. Type adobe reader into the start menu. – surfasb – 2011-07-23T18:53:38.593

ok, but it doesn't work. i mean it works in the reader, but not when I use chrome to view it. – Pacerier – 2011-08-29T21:48:07.870


It has been some time without you accepting an answer, so I hope this will help.

In Chrome, you will either be using Adobe PDF Reader (If installed) or the built in Chrome Reader.

If you are having problems with one, I recommend you try the other. You can take a look at about:plugins and disable the one that is currently set.

If you are using the built in Chrome one and do not have Adobe PDF Reader installed, try installing it and restarting then setting it here.

William Hilsum

Posted 2011-07-22T10:21:35.597

Reputation: 111 572

i've tried both but both doesn't work – Pacerier – 2011-08-29T22:55:07.597


Chrome uses its own version of Acrobat Reader. A lot of functionality that is available in Acrobat's Reader, as well as viewers in other browsers, is severely lacking. Another example is the ability to rotate a PDF (Ctrl+shift++/-) do not work in chrome, yet work in IE and FF.

Chrome's development team has basically said that fixing this functionality is not a high priority for them. People have been complaining about these, and other PDF issues for several Chrome versions. I wouldnt hold my breath for a fix any time soon.


Posted 2011-07-22T10:21:35.597

Reputation: 57 019

i was thinking there might be some way since chrome does save our "scroll state" for webpages.. – Pacerier – 2011-08-29T22:56:00.137