Gnome 2.32 Virtual Desktop Looping


I'm using Ubuntu 10.10 with Gnome 2.32 and was wondering if anyone knows of a way to make the virtual desktops (workspaces) loop so that moving to the left when on the left-most desktop goes to the right-most desktop.

I know this is possible with Compiz, but it seems like a lot of overhead just for this one feature.


Posted 2011-07-20T16:06:02.647

Reputation: 416



Turns out I was using the wrong keyword when googling for this, I should have used "cycle" instead of "loop".

Anyway, it turns out that the Unity 2D PPA for 10.10 had this featured added to it's build of metacity in February!

So, I just added this PPA to apt, did an update on metacity, logged out/in, and now it works.


Posted 2011-07-20T16:06:02.647

Reputation: 416