2WIRE router and cable modem


We just switched to cable internet and we had to get another router (or so the technician said), but I talked to a friend of mine who said that our old 2WIRE DSL modem/router should work with the new cable modem. He said I still should be able to use the router part of the old DSL modem. How do I go about hooking that up?


Posted 2011-07-17T22:54:09.743

Reputation: 1 469

Don't know if you ever figured this out, or are even still trying, but if you are, you can check out this question as I just went through the same thing. http://superuser.com/questions/365046/how-do-i-use-a-2wire-2701hg-b-as-a-router-only/365076#365076

– Kevin – 2011-12-06T15:59:57.540

This question is impossible to answer without more details, which is probably why noone has reacted. Usually you have the following functions: 1) DSL modem 2) A wired switch to connect the computers to. 3) Optionally a wireless access point. 3) A router. Many things sold as 'DSL modems' combine features of these two, and all do it slightly different. But yes, on some of them you should be able to only use part of the functionality. – Hennes – 2013-09-09T07:58:29.200

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