Looking for web mail where entire session is SSL


I am looking for a web-UI email service where the entire session is SSL (encrypted). Gmail and Yahoo Mail are both web applications but SSL is only used for the login page, the rest of the session (including emails) are in the clear. I am willing to pay for such a service. It would of course have to have all the latest email features (search, folders, contacts, etc) and be reliable.

Wavy Crab

Posted 2009-08-28T00:32:27.167

Reputation: 1 455

Question was closed 2014-04-30T11:00:18.787

Also see http://superuser.com/questions/25658/gmail-and-ssl-encryption-how-much-is-encrypted for more on encryption with webmail services.

– jtimberman – 2009-08-28T01:02:39.887



You can force Gmail to use SSL the entire time. Scroll down to "Browser connection" on the first page of Settings, and check the "Always use HTTPS" option. And Done :D

Edit 4/29/2014: This is now enabled by the default but can be turned off. Also, Google Apps admins can allow or disallow the option to turn it off in Google's cpanel.


Posted 2009-08-28T00:32:27.167

Reputation: 1 638

1You should probably mention that this is for Gmail. I don't know if it is the same for Yahoo. – Joshua Nurczyk – 2009-08-28T00:49:22.440

"You can force gmail to use SSL" I think i did... pretty sure you can with yahoo, if your willing to pay. – alpha1 – 2009-08-28T01:09:14.857


GMail does SSL. Go to https://gmail.com instead of http://gmail.com


Posted 2009-08-28T00:32:27.167

Reputation: 19 580

Correct. The Gmail setting "Browser connection: Always use https/Don't always use https" just enforces HTTPS, in case you forget to type https:// yourself. So, to use HTTPS one does not need that setting per se. – Arjan – 2009-10-29T09:51:23.743