As part of a multi-operating system challenge (testing computer integrity), I need to find the fastest way to reproduce a genuine Blue Screen of Death (BSOD) on a Windows machine. Any version that is XP or later will work.
As Shinrai puts it:
So basically you're trying to BSOD a machine as fast as humanly possible, but only once, and you can't touch the machine before the clock starts?
Yep, that's exactly what I'm trying to do.
I'm wondering if there are simple commands or actions that will cause Windows to go haywire and spit out a blue screen. Any pointers would be very helpful.
- Can't write a script/program
- Can't mess with hardware
- Must be able to do it WITHIN windows
- Can't be fake
I need to be able to boot cleanly into Windows, then I must reproduce a BSOD on the fly. So hardware and required-boot solutions are good but they don't conform to these rules.
I arrived at the competiton ready to implement Shinrai's method of BSOD. Turns out there were no specific rules about turning your computer on and off, only that you can't mess with the hardware. I checked my keyboard -- it was a USB one, so I knew which key to edit. We were told to start and I quickly found and edited the key and rebooted. Luckily these were bare bones computers and not a lot of services had to be started - resulting in a fairly quick reboot. Looking around, I saw people screwing around with the registry but no one else was restarting their computer. I did the keyboard combination and BOOM windows spewed a beautiful BSOD (something the OS is actually good for).
I ended up winning and I only had one thing to say: "I'm happy to be going home to my linux box".
Thanks to Shinrai for the winning solution!
5I'll add this as a comment since I'm sure that there are better ways, but on any machine with powershell on it the fastest way that I have found is: Remove-Item HKLM:* -recurse -force – EBGreen – 2011-07-11T17:34:36.377
1@EBGreen - Actually, that's pretty damned effective for this particular situation. – Shinrai – 2011-07-11T17:35:39.920
@EBGreen - that's right along the lines of what I'm looking for. Does XP comes with powershell by default? – n0pe – 2011-07-11T17:38:44.830
Unfortunately no it does not – EBGreen – 2011-07-11T17:39:27.443
@MaxMackie - http://www.microsoft.com/download/en/details.aspx?displaylang=en&id=16818
– Shinrai – 2011-07-11T17:39:35.300I'm going to double check and see if having an Internet connection is alright in the challenge. If not, we still need a solution for Windows' without power shell. – n0pe – 2011-07-11T18:03:06.903
@MaxMackie: Your own question states "Any version post XP". Not "Any version XP or later". You might want to fix that if your solution has to be applicable to XP as well, just in case. – JAB – 2011-07-11T20:30:47.910
Does opening the side of the case count as "messing with the hardware?" If not, just open the case and hold a bright 60-watt lightbulb next to the ram :) – BlueRaja - Danny Pflughoeft – 2011-07-11T22:39:45.343
Also, are you able to edit the BIOS settings? Depending on the motherboard, there may be a number of settings you could change that would BSOD windows immediately upon startup – BlueRaja - Danny Pflughoeft – 2011-07-11T22:42:09.323
"Can't WRITE a script/program" Does that mean you can download a program from Sysinternals that does it? If yes: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/16862782/NotMyFault.zip will crash it instantly. AH HAHAHA!
– sinni800 – 2011-07-11T23:15:17.400@sinni800 - That's funny but alas, we cannot use it :( – n0pe – 2011-07-13T13:57:22.500
1@MaxMackie - What ended up being the winning solution? – Shinrai – 2011-07-22T19:01:47.023
@Shinrai - Unfortunately, none of them fit my requirements 100%. Yours is the closest and I will accept it in a couple days unless something better comes along. – n0pe – 2011-07-22T19:58:34.213
@MaxMackie - I really meant in your competition, not here. :) I assumed it had already happened? – Shinrai – 2011-07-22T20:19:32.860
@Shinrai - Not yet but thanks for asking :) It's next week which is why I'm waiting until then to post results. – n0pe – 2011-07-22T20:46:44.937
@Shinrai - edited my post, thanks again – n0pe – 2011-07-25T17:04:39.703