How to check which timezone in Linux?



Is there a way to check which time zone I'm currently in on Linux?

Hussy Hussain

Posted 2011-07-11T04:57:39.527




Usually, the TZ environment variable will tell you something useful. However, it is best to use functions such as mktime() and localtime() to convert between time_t and a local timezone representation. That is, don't try to do the conversion yourself.

Greg Hewgill

Posted 2011-07-11T04:57:39.527

Reputation: 5 099

3@GregHewgill your answer is not helpful at first view. Consider editing your answer please. See the most voted answer below. I will downvote your answer for now. Also there is no TZ env on default on my machines. – therealmarv – 2016-06-21T15:52:28.610

unfortunately "date" at least in it's default output only displays an ambiguious three letter abreviation, not the actual timezone selected. – plugwash – 2019-11-11T18:30:37.820

2is there any Command that tells about timezone the user is in? – None – 2011-07-11T05:00:56.190

26Sure, date will tell you. – Greg Hewgill – 2011-07-11T05:01:34.800

i have two instance of server , if i give "date" command in both server it shows different time. time zone for both server is IST, time of one server: Mon Jul 11 10:39:31 IST 2011 and other server Mon Jul 11 10:35:31 IST 2011 .. there is a difference of 4 minutes – None – 2011-07-11T05:06:02.530

Well that's an entirely different problem than "What timezone am I in?". I suggest you install NTP on your servers. – Greg Hewgill – 2011-07-11T05:13:26.020

8On Precise Pangolin echo $TZ returns nothing for me. – Iain Samuel McLean Elder – 2013-10-05T19:48:28.567

@IainElder: That just means that processes without a specific TZ set will use the system default (whatever that is). Setting TZ can be used to override the system default on a per-process basis. – Greg Hewgill – 2013-10-05T20:25:05.530


If you mean from the console, just type:

date +%Z


Posted 2011-07-11T04:57:39.527

Reputation: 2 621

good point... changed the answer to that effect – Rasman – 2014-06-19T15:44:46.047

And to set the timezone from the command line in Ubuntu, the following link provides the trivial, 1-line command to do so:

– Dan Nissenbaum – 2016-12-15T06:30:58.630

This gives +07 for me. To get Region/City on a Debian / Arch based Linux, see this answer.

– Tom Hale – 2018-06-26T06:55:45.037

2good, works well. – Silver Moon – 2013-11-18T07:18:18.157

15this should be the accepted answer – KalenGi – 2014-03-24T10:04:17.477


If you want the numeric timezone:

date +'%:z %Z'

Sample output:

-05:00 EST

Paul Vargas

Posted 2011-07-11T04:57:39.527

Reputation: 681

7On OS X this outputs :z EST – suspectus – 2015-02-13T17:01:52.167

7This if for [tag:linux]. – Paul Vargas – 2015-02-13T17:18:40.247

1More precisely, this applies to GNU date. The BusyBox version prints something non-sensical, "%:z CEST" in my case. – Léo Lam – 2015-06-03T18:42:55.673

However, date +%z works fine on OS X. I suggest you modify the answer. – Neil Mayhew – 2015-08-14T17:22:59.080

1Hi, @NeilMayhew Thanks! Humm... but the question has the tags linux ubuntu-10.04 – Paul Vargas – 2015-08-14T17:29:47.307

True, but %z works just as well for this purpose. It prints -0500 instead of -05:00. I think it's best to avoid Linux-only (or, in this case, GNU-only) things just for the sake of finesse. – Neil Mayhew – 2015-08-14T17:49:55.313

@NeilMayhew The question is titled *"How to check which timezone in Linux?"*, why would anyone (who reads it or comes into this seeking for help) care for an OSX or an OS-agnostic answer? – ypercubeᵀᴹ – 2016-06-02T20:51:56.173

@ypercubeᵀᴹ it's the first result for "get timezone unix" – Rahat Ahmed – 2016-09-13T18:17:32.150

I realize this thread is a linux question/answer, but it is clear that many Google searches by OSX users are coming to this thread, so here is an OSX 10.6.8 command line example (without the colon): date +'%z %Z' – lawlist – 2017-03-14T02:40:52.763

@lawlist That's great! I will add it to my answer. – Paul Vargas – 2017-03-14T16:36:22.330


I wanted to find the timezone in "US/Eastern" or "Europe/London" form instead. You can find this in:

  • /etc/timezone (present on Ubuntu and Red Hat? but not e.g. Amazon Linux)
  • (on Red Hat style systems) as ZONE="US/Eastern" in /etc/sysconfig/clock
  • or you can try and match /etc/localtime to one of the files under /usr/share/zoneinfo; annoyingly this doesn't seem to be a symlink, but you can e.g.

    cd /usr/share/zoneinfo
    find * -type f -exec sh -c "diff -q /etc/localtime '{}' > /dev/null && echo {}" \;

    to find matching files - there's probably better ways to do that, but that works. There will be multiple matches.


Posted 2011-07-11T04:57:39.527

Reputation: 927

4find /usr/share/zoneinfo/ -type f| xargs md5sum | grep $(md5sum /etc/localtime | cut -d' ' -f1) – freiheit – 2016-07-04T18:25:32.930


For ubuntu try this :

$ cat /etc/timezone

Sample output :


For other distro Reference :


Posted 2011-07-11T04:57:39.527

Reputation: 141

Sometimes timedatectl set-timezone doesn't update /etc/timezone. See this answer for a solution based on /etc/localtime.

– Tom Hale – 2018-06-26T06:56:36.127


Sometimes you may be looking for the canonical timezone rather than the short form as produced by date %Z e.g. US/Eastern. On systems with timedatectl e.g. Fedora, timedatectl outputs lots of useful information, including the current zone:

# timedatectl
      Local time: Tue 2016-09-13 17:10:26 EDT
  Universal time: Tue 2016-09-13 21:10:26 UTC
        RTC time: Tue 2016-09-13 21:10:26
       Time zone: US/Eastern (EDT, -0400)
 Network time on: yes
NTP synchronized: yes
 RTC in local TZ: no

Unfortunately, timedatectl takes set-timezone as a command, but has no corresponding get-timezone. Parse it as follows:

# timedatectl status | grep "zone" | sed -e 's/^[ ]*Time zone: \(.*\) (.*)$/\1/g'`


Posted 2011-07-11T04:57:39.527

Reputation: 213


$ strings /etc/localtime | tail -n 1

So I'm on Mountain Time. Although advices above on using environment variable or just date command output sometimes work better, depending how you want to use that.


Posted 2011-07-11T04:57:39.527

Reputation: 210


For the time zone, you can use geolocation:

$ curl


$ curl

Steven Penny

Posted 2011-07-11T04:57:39.527

Reputation: 7 294


  • /etc/sysconfig/clock sets whether the hardware clock is stored as UTC or local time.
  • Symlink /etc/localtime to /usr/share/zoneinfo/... to set your timezone.
  • Type /sbin/hwclock --systohc [--utc] to set the hardware clock.

The Linux kernel always stores and calculates time as the number of seconds since midnight of the 1st of January 1970 UTC regardless of whether your hardware clock is stored as UTC or not. Conversions to your local time are done at run-time. One neat thing about this is that if someone is using your computer from a different timezone, they can set the TZ environment variable and all dates and times will appear correct for their timezone.

If the number of seconds since the 1st of January 1970 UTC is stored as an signed 32-bit integer (as it is on your Linux/Intel system), your clock will stop working sometime on the year 2038. Linux has no inherent Y2K problem, but it does have a year 2038 problem. Hopefully we'll all be running Linux on 64-bit systems by then. 64-bit integers will keep our clocks running quite well until aproximately the year 292271-million.


Posted 2011-07-11T04:57:39.527



A couple of solutions:

date +"%Z %z"
timedatectl | grep "Time zone"
cat /etc/timezone

gave me (respectively):

UTC +0000
Time zone: Etc/UTC (UTC, +0000)

My computer is on UTC.


Posted 2011-07-11T04:57:39.527

Reputation: 121


Using TZ or date IS NOT RELIABLE because it tells you the USER's timezone, not the default system timezone.

The default system timezone is stored in /etc/timezone (which is often a symbolic link to the timezone data file specific to the timezone). If you do not have an /etc/timezone, look at /etc/localtime. Generally that is the "server's" timezone. /etc/localtime is often a symlink to a timezone file in /usr/share/zoneinfo. That path to the correct timezone file will often give you geography information as well.

Newer linux have "timedatectl" which gives you tons of info when the command is run.

(as a side-node, if you have an ancient system that still uses the OLD hard-coded timezones, you can probably copy a modern timezone file onto it and it will work. I have had to do this many times to resolve changing timezones on older equipment).


Posted 2011-07-11T04:57:39.527

Reputation: 41


Sometimes timedatectl set-timezone doesn't update /etc/timezone, so it's best to get the tiemzone from the name of the file that the symlink /etc/timezone points to:

set -euo pipefail

if filename=$(readlink /etc/localtime); then
    # /etc/localtime is a symlink as expected
    if [[ $timezone = "$filename" || ! $timezone =~ ^[^/]+/[^/]+$ ]]; then
        # not pointing to expected location or not Region/City
        >&2 echo "$filename points to an unexpected location"
        exit 1
    echo "$timezone"
else  # compare files by contents
    find /usr/share/zoneinfo -type f ! -regex ".*/Etc/.*" -exec \
        cmp -s {} /etc/localtime \; -print | sed -e 's@.*/zoneinfo/@@' | head -n1

References: in this answer.

Tom Hale

Posted 2011-07-11T04:57:39.527

Reputation: 1 348


You can show date and the timezone concurrently:

date +'%d/%m/%Y  %H:%M:%S [%:z  %Z]'

Mohsen Abasi

Posted 2011-07-11T04:57:39.527

Reputation: 143