Extract files from CSC (offline files) folder



Is there a way to extract files from the c:\windows\csc folder in Windows 7 professional?


Posted 2011-07-06T16:56:16.570

Reputation: 1 780



You can download the CSCCMD tool v1.1 from Microsoft Support (or try finding it on the Internet may be easier), and then follow the following support document from Microsoft using the /Extract switch (The syntax is near the bottom).

for example: csccmd /EXTRACT /RECURSE /TARGET:c:\csc-files



Posted 2011-07-06T16:56:16.570

Reputation: 24 985


YOu can get the tool here: http://www.jacksontechnical.com/article.htm?id=34 or here: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=5EUO5R6K

– KCotreau – 2011-07-06T17:07:39.383

1Thanks for the warm welcome, if we join our forces we can solve every tech problem EVER! ;) It is addicting though, racking up the points, I'll have a beer when I hit the 1000 mark! :) – Ruairi Fullam – 2011-07-06T18:39:52.750

@Ruairi Fullam LOL addicted...me too. I have only been a member for 36 days now. :) I want 20K. – KCotreau – 2011-07-06T18:51:36.250

3I'm sorry, the file you link to does not work in Windows 7 professional: the ordinal 54 could not be located in the dynamic link library CSCDLL.dll – jao – 2011-07-06T20:29:28.457

i thought i upvoted first and wanted to undo that. it wasn't meant to downvote. but i cannot undo the downvote now unless the answer is edited – jao – 2011-07-07T06:00:13.697

@jao OK, thank you. Sorry for the over-reaction. Did you manage to get it to work, if not, what did you do? Let me know exactly where you downloaded it from, and how you used it, and I will try to replicate the results, and figure out why it did not work. – KCotreau – 2011-07-07T09:11:19.553

no it didn't work. i'm now trying to get ownership of all the files using takeown (http://superuser.com/questions/116625/recursively-change-owner-windows-7/116627#116627) see how that works

– jao – 2011-07-07T09:35:24.477

Are you still getting the DLL error or are you past that? Either way, you are on the right track. – KCotreau – 2011-07-07T09:48:10.427

by getting ownership using takeown /f "c:\folder\subfolder" /r command I was able to acces the files and copy them to a safe destination. (so how do i accept this answer, the answer doesn't really apply to this particular question but I still want to credit @Kcotreau for pointing me in the right direction) – jao – 2011-07-07T10:19:12.333

You can still accept it. They will read the comments too. – KCotreau – 2011-07-07T10:21:58.667

Regarding Windows 7, note that it will still not work even if you use the CSCDLL.dll from Windows XP. It gives the error "csc is not enabled on this machine". – None – 2011-11-09T15:00:26.187


Working Solution

On the command line:

vssadmin List Shadows

This will show you a list of your shadow copies (the shadow of the CSC folder will not be locked). Look for and copy the highest numbered original address.

Secondly we make a link to the shadow copy:

mklink /D C:\LatestShadow \\?\GLOBALROOT\Device\HarddiskVolumeShadowCopy417\

The rightmost part of that should be the original address you copied before

Next use robocopy to get all the files out of the cache

mkdir C:\CSC_copy
robocopy C:\LatestShadow\Windows\CSC C:\CSC_copy /E /COPY:DT

You should end up with a copy of all the cache files in C:\CSC_Copy.

Paul P

Posted 2011-07-06T16:56:16.570

Reputation: 11


Use this command to grant full access

cd %systemroot%
takeown /f csc /r /a /d y
icacls csc /grant Everyone:(F) /t /l /q

then reboot.

vssadmin List Shadows

This will show you a list of your shadow copies (the shadow of the CSC folder will not be locked). Look for and copy the highest numbered original address. Secondly we make a link to the shadow copy:

mklink /D C:\LatestShadow \\?\GLOBALROOT\Device\HarddiskVolumeShadowCopy417\

The rightmost part of that should be the original address you copied before Next use robocopy to get all the files out of the cache

mkdir C:\CSC_copy
robocopy C:\LatestShadow\Windows\CSC C:\CSC_copy /E /zb /copyall 

then took ownership of the files in the C:\CSC_Copy

amit bakshi

Posted 2011-07-06T16:56:16.570

Reputation: 1