can I switch PDA operating system from Windows CE 5 to Windows mobile?


I have a Motorola MC3000 barcode scanner handheld. I want to run an app that is only compatible with Windows Mobile operating sytem, but my MC3000 PDA runs Windows CE 5. Please avise if/how I can reinstal the operating sytem on my MC3000 PDA. thank you very much


Posted 2011-07-06T15:03:38.803

Reputation: 235

Question was closed 2012-07-20T07:35:38.197



Yes you should be able to do it.
The product specification says that it supports WIndows Mobile 6.1.
Although i would recommend that you call up Motorola Customer Support and get help from them to avoid any issues.


Posted 2011-07-06T15:03:38.803

Reputation: 4 815