How create a new thumbnailer in Ubuntu?


For a reason I don't know my ubuntu doesn't show thumbnails for pdf.
So, how can I create a thumbnailer in gnome?
More specific - how to create a folder in gconf - /desktop/gnome/thumbnailers?

in gconf ->-> thumbnailers:
application@pdf/command = "evince-thumbnailer -s %s %u %o"
application@pdf/enable = "True"

from console evince-thumbnailer file.pdf out.png works perfectly


Posted 2011-06-29T09:33:35.010

Reputation: 469



after reinstalling document viewer, evince and gnome, thumbnailing started working.
In 11.04 it doesn't work with NFS because apparmor doesn't let evince to go to network.
It can be excluded from apparmor.
In future release that bug is fixed.


Posted 2011-06-29T09:33:35.010

Reputation: 469


With the default pdf reader in Ubuntu any pdf that is in a ebook/manual format and has a cover page is rendered with a thumbnail , the rest is not . If you see practically you don't even need a thumbnail for a pdf if it has no image etc to identify it quickly from the image . Also I believe, when you render files with thumbnails it slows down your machine .


Posted 2011-06-29T09:33:35.010

Reputation: 4 815