Increase the maximum number of open file descriptors in Snow Leopard?



I am trying to do something that requires a large number of file descriptors

sudo ulimit -n 12288 is as high as Snow Leopard wants to go; beyond this results in

/usr/bin/ulimit: line 4: ulimit: open files: cannot modify limit: Invalid argument.

I want to raise the number much higher, say 100000. Is it possible?

Chris Poole

Posted 2011-06-27T10:56:47.483

Reputation: 1 749

4This question's answers no longer work in OSX Mavericks. – Howard – 2014-01-07T10:02:05.540

2Running echo limit maxfiles 10000 10000|sudo tee -a /etc/launchd.conf and restarting works for me in Mavericks. – Lri – 2014-05-30T17:40:35.917



Using ulimit command only changes the resource limits for the current shell and its children and sudo ulimit creates a root shell, adjusts its limits, and then exits (thus having, as far as I can see, no real effect).
To exceed 12288, you need to adjust the kernel's kern.maxfiles and kern.maxfilesperproc parameters, and also (at least according to this blog entry, which is a summary of this discussion) a launchd limit. You can use launchctl limit to adjust all of these at once:

sudo launchctl limit maxfiles 1000000 1000000

To make this permanent (i.e not reset when you reboot), create /etc/launchd.conf containing:

limit maxfiles 1000000 1000000

Then you can use ulimit (but without the sudo) to adjust your process limit.

If this doesn't do it, you may be running into size limits in the kernel. If your model supports it, booting the kernel in 64-bit mode may help.

Gordon Davisson

Posted 2011-06-27T10:56:47.483

Reputation: 28 538

2Be careful when adding that line to launchd.conf. I think if the number is too small, it can make your computer unusable. For example, I used limit maxfiles 1024 1024 and I had a really hard time changing it back. – Shawn – 2014-10-12T12:25:58.067

1Alas: "The /etc/launchd.conf file is no longer consulted for subcommands to run during early boot time; this functionality was removed for security considerations." – Alice Purcell – 2015-09-25T10:38:53.297

It does not work, my fd number can not exceed 6k even if I set ulimit -Sn 10240 successfully. – Jian Weihang – 2015-11-05T18:47:55.157

@JianWeihang fd numbers are per-process so I assume other processes happened to have 4000 files open. Do you happen to run Chrome? ;) – Trejkaz – 2017-07-26T23:06:41.887

1sudo launchctl limit maxfiles 1000000 unlimited Neither the hard nor soft limit for "maxfiles" can be unlimited. Please use a numeric parameter for both. – Thomas Hunter – 2014-05-14T00:16:29.503


The following should resolve most solutions (and are listed in order of their hierarchy):

echo 'kern.maxfiles=20480' | sudo tee -a /etc/sysctl.conf
echo -e 'limit maxfiles 8192 20480\nlimit maxproc 1000 2000' | sudo tee -a /etc/launchd.conf
echo 'ulimit -n 4096' | sudo tee -a /etc/profile


  1. You will need to restart for these changes to take effect.
  2. AFAIK you can no longer set limits to 'unlimited' under OS X
  3. launchctl maxfiles are bounded by sysctl maxfiles, and therefore cannot exceed them
  4. sysctl seems to inherit kern.maxfilesperproc from launchctl maxfiles
  5. ulimit seems to inherit it's 'open files' value from launchctl by default
  6. you can set a custom ulimit within /etc/profile, or ~/.profile ; while this isn't required I've provided an example
  7. Be cautious when setting any of these values to a very high number when compared with their default - the features exist stability/security. I've taken these example numbers that I believe to be reasonable, written on other websites.

Posted 2011-06-27T10:56:47.483

Reputation: 521

3Alas: "The /etc/launchd.conf file is no longer consulted for subcommands to run during early boot time; this functionality was removed for security considerations." – Alice Purcell – 2015-09-25T10:38:18.553


It seems like there is an entirely different method for changing the open files limit for each version of OS X!

For OS X Sierra (10.12.X) you need to:

1. In Library/LaunchDaemons create a file named limit.maxfiles.plist and paste the following in (feel free to change the two numbers (which are the soft and hard limits, respectively):

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>  
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN"  
<plist version="1.0">  

2. Change the owner of your new file:

sudo chown root:wheel /Library/LaunchDaemons/limit.maxfiles.plist

3. Load these new settings:

sudo launchctl load -w /Library/LaunchDaemons/limit.maxfiles.plist

4. Finally, check that the limits are correct:

launchctl limit maxfiles


Posted 2011-06-27T10:56:47.483

Reputation: 1 361


This answer is great, and I found some background to add to it here, @ninjaPixel:

– Dean Radcliffe – 2017-02-06T18:29:14.917


It seems that OS X Lion will not permit "unlimited" as a value:

% sudo launchctl limit maxfiles 8192 unlimited
Neither the hard nor soft limit for "maxfiles" can be unlimited. Please use a numeric parameter for both.

Providing numerical values for both the soft and the hard limit does the job:

% sudo launchctl limit maxfiles 4096 8192


Posted 2011-06-27T10:56:47.483

Reputation: 331

3If one of the values was unlimited, using -1 as value results in 12288. It's possible to use larger numeric values, e.g. sudo launchctl limit maxfiles 15000 150000. I'm not sure these settings have an effect then, though. – Daniel Beck – 2011-12-10T10:59:47.937


On Mavericks its simple. As a regular user:

ulimit -n 8192

You can check the updated settings via

ulimit -a

On my machine:

ulimit -a
-t: cpu time (seconds)              unlimited
-f: file size (blocks)              unlimited
-d: data seg size (kbytes)          unlimited
-s: stack size (kbytes)             8192
-c: core file size (blocks)         0
-v: address space (kbytes)          unlimited
-l: locked-in-memory size (kbytes)  unlimited
-u: processes                       709
-n: file descriptors                8192


Posted 2011-06-27T10:56:47.483

Reputation: 349

2Consider revising your solution. You're setting a ulimit of 1024, then showing the output file descriptors as 8192 (should be 1024). You're approach is also probelmatic without sudo, try changing it a few times for yourself. – y3sh – 2014-10-15T13:34:15.860

1sudo should not be used here but this answer is incorrect. Mavericks users should use echo limit maxfiles 10000 10000|sudo tee -a /etc/launchd.conf and then restart their machine – Kyle Chadha – 2015-03-17T22:12:15.647


On OS X 10.13.6 this works for me:

$ sysctl kern.maxfiles
kern.maxfiles: 12288
$ sysctl kern.maxfilesperproc
kern.maxfilesperproc: 10240
$ sudo sysctl -w kern.maxfiles=1048600
kern.maxfiles: 12288 -> 1048600
$ sudo sysctl -w kern.maxfilesperproc=1048576
kern.maxfilesperproc: 10240 -> 1048576
$ ulimit -S -n
$ ulimit -S -n 1048576
$ ulimit -S -n

Petr Javorik

Posted 2011-06-27T10:56:47.483

Reputation: 156


Some limits cannot be changed by ulimit, because they only apply to the current shell, therefore launchctl command should be used to change the limits globally, e.g.

sudo launchctl limit maxfiles 100000 unlimited

Please note that applying these limits in /etc/launchd.conf (as suggested in other answers) is no longer supported in the recent macOS releases. Although can still use launchd.plist (see: man launchd.plist) such as per-user or system-wide plist configuration files as suggested here, there, and over there.

To make these limits persistent, you can use /etc/sysctl.conf file and add for example:


For changes to take the effect, it requires reboot.

To see the current limits, run: launchctl limit or sysctl -a | grep ^kern.max.

See also: How to persist ulimit settings in macOS?


Posted 2011-06-27T10:56:47.483

Reputation: 16 795