Problem with resizing Subwindows in Eclipse Xming combination



I'm running Eclipse on a Linux server and I'm displaying it locally through xwindow forwarding using xming. Whenever I create something like a subwindow (like opening project properties or the Project Explorer when when pulled out of the main window), these windows are not resizable. When running natively on Linux, the resize is possible without a problem. As some of the subwindows are too small to be viewed properly, this can be quite problematic.

Any idea what might help?


Posted 2011-06-22T09:14:05.167

Reputation: 2 204



I have just same problem using Xming & Eclipse. To solve this problem, you can manually edit Workspace/.metadata/.plugins/*/dialog_settings.xml.

You can find problematic value doing like :

$ cd workspace/.metadata/.plugins
$ grep WIDTH */*.xml


$ grep HEIGHT */*.xml

Doing this, you can easily find too small/big values.

I think Xming is great work, but I have some personal reason to not to donate this.

Hiroyoshi Kurohara

Posted 2011-06-22T09:14:05.167

Reputation: 176

2Thanks Hiroyoshi Kurohara - this is exactly what I needed. I am using Eclipse Kepler on Linux, via Xming. I edited workspace/.metadata/.plugins/org.eclipse.ui.workbench.texteditor/dialog_settings.xml This has a section for "org.eclipse.ui.texteditor.FindReplaceDialog_dialogBounds" In that section there are values for DIALOG_WIDTH and DIALOG_HEIGHT. Edit these values, start eclipse, and you will find the Find/Replace dialog has been resized. – None – 2014-05-12T09:45:17.003


I seem to have found a better solution for it, there's an open alternative to Xming called VcXsrv, which seems to be active at the moment. And yes, its latest version allows resizing child windows without issue.


Posted 2011-06-22T09:14:05.167

Reputation: 153

1I tried it and it worked well! – Betlista – 2017-08-28T07:38:43.357


In case edition of org.eclipse.ui.workbench.texteditor/dialog_settings.xml fil eis overriden by Eclipse again and again, the solution is to first close Eclipse, then edit the file and finally eliminate write permissions (as root) prior to restart Eclipse:

chmod -v a-w org.eclipse.ui.workbench.texteditor/dialog_settings.xml


Posted 2011-06-22T09:14:05.167

Reputation: 11


# cd
# vi .bashrc
alias ec='/home/swp/jp/; eclipse &'
# su -

# vi /home/swp/jp/
cp -f /root/workspace3/.metadata/.plugins/ /root/workspace3/.metadata/.plugins/

cp -f /root/workspace3/.metadata/.plugins/org.eclipse.ui.workbench.texteditor/ /root/workspace3/.metadata/.plugins/org.eclipse.ui.workbench.texteditor/dialog_settings.xml

# chmod 755
# ec


Posted 2011-06-22T09:14:05.167

Reputation: 1

Please explain what your code does and how it is supposed to solve the problem. – Kamil Maciorowski – 2017-01-07T20:00:56.093