Cannot seem to create Homegroup


For some reason I cannot seem to find the option to create a Homegroup after I removed it (just the join now button is available). The homegroup provider and listener services are running. Why would this be the case?


Posted 2011-06-21T00:30:08.090

Reputation: 22 744

I assume this isn't Windows 7 Starter or Basic... Can you provide a screenshot? – digitxp – 2011-08-17T01:27:43.133

Sorry, no, its now fixed (and sorry for not answering sooner). – soandos – 2011-08-17T01:32:08.110



I fixed this problem by shutting off my network connections, then creating the homegroup. It seems (though I am not sure) that the issue was that someone else on the network was trying to start a homegroup, and I was being forced to join it.


Posted 2011-06-21T00:30:08.090

Reputation: 22 744