Incremental backup and sync software



I need a free software for Windows (with gui or command line) that does incremental backup copying all files and storing changed or deleted files in a directory named like last change date (or a progressive number).

To be more precise:
D:\ is my Data drive
E:\ is my Backupdrive.

If i want to backup all my data from D::
E:\d_lastbackup\ will contain a plain copy of all the files and folder content (no compression or archiving, same files attributes) of D
E:\d_20090822\ will contain all files (with their full path) that are changed or deleted in the last version (since the previous one)
E:\d_20090820\ will contain all files (with their full path) that are changed or deleted in the last version (since the previous one)
and so on...

I had a software working prefectly with an old USB harddsik by Maxtor, but it works only on that device.

Any suggestion?


Posted 2009-08-26T12:27:06.607

Reputation: 281

Question was closed 2016-12-17T23:26:57.183



Cobian backup does separate folders, uncompressed, and supports incremental/differential.


Posted 2009-08-26T12:27:06.607

Reputation: 575

Looks good. It's incremental, easy to set up, and can run as a background service so it doesn't clutter up my system tray. Just what I was looking for. +1 – Ajedi32 – 2013-10-22T20:15:53.927


Cobian backup seems to have become very popular, and can be found here now: . The other link is dead.

– GnP – 2014-02-16T20:57:36.833


I use 7-zip for incremental compressed backups.
Here is a reference article: Powershell & 7Zip incremental backup solution.
That link has a ready-script for use.
But, you don't really need PowerShell -- the ability comes from 7z itself.


Posted 2009-08-26T12:27:06.607

Reputation: 50 788

5Your link is broken. :( – João Portela – 2014-11-28T15:47:41.873

I like using 7z for differential because if you use -u it will make anti-items for those files that were deleted. That way all you need is the full backup and the diff to get back where you were. – Scott McClenning – 2011-01-08T06:39:44.007

1This is a spectacular answer. This coupled with WinSCP makes remote rsync'ing from a Windows box to anything dead simple. Thank you so much! – mrduclaw – 2009-12-03T22:21:06.643


DeltaCopy (basically a Windows version of rsync) and SyncBack (3 versions to choose from, one free) sound right up your alley.

Travis Northcutt

Posted 2009-08-26T12:27:06.607

Reputation: 901


I use rdiff-backup with some scripting I found on the 'net that adds VSS capability. Each prior version is stored compressed as a difference to the newer version. This allows backups with minimal storage, restores from newest version are fastest and I can delete very old backups without messing up newer version.

Rodney Schuler

Posted 2009-08-26T12:27:06.607

Reputation: 1 189

2Would be really nice of you to tell where to get those scripts or even better if you could post them. ;) – Stecy – 2011-05-27T17:18:00.953

I am now currently using

– Rodney Schuler – 2013-12-10T15:19:07.007


If you get Robocpy and the Robocopy GUI you can fiddle with it to do what you want. I use this everyday for my backups.


Posted 2009-08-26T12:27:06.607

Reputation: 1 524

I created a bat file with a few robocopy lines in it which backs up my stuff to external hard drives. Then added the bat file as a task which is run once a day. Works great =) – Svish – 2009-08-26T16:07:52.913

Yep, that's how I do it. – Hondalex – 2009-08-26T18:33:40.217


Crashplan from here gives some nice options. I'm not sure if it will back up to another internal drive but I can't see why it wouldn't.


Posted 2009-08-26T12:27:06.607

Reputation: 6 995


Some backup devices (such as the Seagate Freeagent external drive) come with supplied backup software. However, I find to cover from building fire, it can be better to use a remote backup system such Squirrelsave, Mozy, Carbonite or Jungledisk. If you have a home network and want a machine to work as a backup machine, then R1Soft's CDP backup system supports Windows and Linux machines.

However, all these options are commercial - but how valuable is your data?

Richy B.

Posted 2009-08-26T12:27:06.607

Reputation: 133


I wrote my own, as a Python script. It uses md5sum to detect changed files, and copies them to a standard backup subdirectory within each working directory. Each backed up file has the same file name, with a suffix, such as <filename>_1, <filename>_2, etc...

This was easier when I used VMS, which made backup versions of changed files automatically.


Posted 2009-08-26T12:27:06.607

Reputation: 336