Google Notifier hangs on sign-in, must be force-quit (Mac OS X)


OS X 10.6.7 and GN 1.10.7. It was working fine. Then suddenly it started hanging whenever I tried to sign in, regardless of which account. Just gives me the spinning loading icon (not spinning pinwheel, but the sun-dial like circle), for eternity until I force-quit. (Doesn't even get the icon into the menubar.)

  • I replaced the app in /Applications with a fresh one from the dmg and it didn't work.
  • I deleted and again replaced the app and it DID work. But then after a couple of days, it stopped working again.
  • Now I have deleted AND deleted the Google Notifier folder from ~/Library/Caches/Google AND replaced the app fresh and still, just hangs when I try to login.

I'm stuck!

PS: I have Secrets preference pane installed and it has entries (which I have not touched) for Google Notifier, but I'm reluctant to think this is the problem since somehow it worked even with said prefpane installed after one replacement once?


Posted 2011-06-20T11:06:22.300

Reputation: 1 103

Do you see any relevant output in Utilities/ under "All Messages"/"Console Messages", when the Notifier hangs? – slhck – 2011-06-20T13:52:55.817

@slhck Good idea I didn't try, but sadly no, just the notice that it was "Exited: Killed" after I force-quit it. – Philip – 2011-06-20T14:58:36.973

Hmm, then unfortunately I'm out of ideas for now.. – slhck – 2011-06-20T15:08:15.977

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