I have a csv file which contains keyword combinations(e.g consider "apple ipad" as one) in a cell. I want to visualize the csv file in a tag cloud form. Most online ones use only a single keyword to generate the cloud. Is there a desktop or web tool I can use?
1Can you give me an example of what you mean be a keyword combination? – slotishtype – 2011-06-14T10:42:11.733
edited with an example – iceman – 2011-06-14T10:57:40.807
So what do you want as output then? If you want to treat "apple ipad" as one tag, just make it "apple-ipad". – slhck – 2011-06-14T10:59:20.980
the tagcloud is usually a dynamic visualization. I don't want to change the data I have by modifying it, there can be an intermediate step where that can be done for processing, but the final visualization has to have it separate – iceman – 2011-06-14T16:10:57.897