Short: Is it possible to (robo)copy a directory tree using hard links instead of physical copy?
I want to make a daily backup of my data files, every day in it's own directory. Now most files don't change every day, so my idea to speed up backup and use less disk space was to copy the backup of (day-1) to (day) using hard links, then use robocopy to replace the files which have changed since yesterday. This way I would only need to copy the full backup once to the USB drive, afterwards I could just copy the changes and still have directories containing all the files, sharing files with other backups using hard links. This way I got two full backups but it uses only file space for one+differential, and the backup files are accessible without need for special software, which is a big plus for me.
Is this possible?
Is there a program to create hard link copies of all files in a directory tree?
Am I missing some pitfall I'm not aware of?
This can be done as found here: http://blog.mutable.net/post/2007/01/17/an-intelligent-backup-system-for-windows-part-4.aspx
– Bryan – 2011-12-14T23:35:36.720