Trading out 110W processor for 35W processor: how much could I really save?


My current processor is a 110W AMD X2 4600+. For fun, I was looking at a 35W Core i3 2100T. Looking around I couldn't find a direct performance comparison anywhere between the two, but it looks like the i3 would actually bring a (very) small performance bump vs the 4600+. The upgrade would also involve a move from 2GB DD2 to 8GB DDR3, so as long as I don't lose too much this will be a win, performance-wise. The price (cpu,mb,and ram) would come to about $310.

I really don't have any budget for upgrades right now, but I was curious: if I were to go ahead and get this, how long would it take for the energy savings to pay for the upgrade? Could I justify the purchase this year on energy savings alone?

I suspect not, and I know it depends on usage and local rates. But I'm hoping to be able to put a ballpark figure together for how much I could save in a year. As a reference, local rates are $.0933/kWhr

I'll start with a basic calculation that uses a few bad assumptions, and we'll see if we can refine it any:

Assuming both systems are running full-capacity, that means I save 75W/hr. I also have to dissipate that energy, so I really save 150W/hr, or .15kWhrs. .15 * .0933 = $.013995 save per hour I run the new system. .013995 * 24hrs/day * 7days/wk * 52wks/year results in $122.26 saved per year. So I'd need to run this for about 2 1/2 years to pay back the investment. And again, that's assuming 100% run all the time and an additional 100% cost for heat, neither of which are very good. Can we get even more accurate numbers?

Joel Coehoorn

Posted 2011-06-12T20:48:03.843

Reputation: 26 787


get yourself a kill-a-watt and actually make these measurements.

– madmaze – 2011-06-12T20:58:59.490

I made interesting discoveries, my window fan on high uses more power than my AC on high fan and the AC moves more air than the window fan. – madmaze – 2011-06-12T21:01:01.097

You'll spend more for heating your house :) – oneat – 2011-06-12T21:36:18.900

Do you live in the tropics and never have cool or cold days? Otherwise you are inflating your energy cost by adding "100% cost for heat". – sawdust – 2011-06-13T01:21:33.463

I'm not sure if there are any more accurate ways. – Sathyajith Bhat – 2011-06-13T05:41:37.463

Figure out the idle power for both systems, that should give you a rough estimate of a more realistic situation. Second - do you care about noise? The 35W CPU is likely to be quieter. – DarthShader – 2012-08-03T05:37:57.047

The presumption of maximal consumption is also a major source for error. Even for estimation purposes, Joel, you should buy an inexpensive load meter and use it on your existing system for a week. If the meter doesn't have a loggin function (most cheap ones don't) just keep a manual log at regular intervals. Then use your current loading information to make projections. There will still be a high degree of error, but less than your stated estimates. Only impute for heating during the months you use A/C. – OCDtech – 2013-02-22T15:52:49.170

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