Command line media catalog for some backup dvds - is there such a thing?


I'm looking for a command line application (really simple, that uses only text files for storage) that can catalog my backup dvds. Something similar to WhereIsIt, but using command line.

Suppose I have 10 dvds, each one with a lot of files. I would like to "catalog" these dvds to a lot of text files, and, when needing to search for a file inside these dvds, instead of checking all dvds, I would just search the catalog.

Any recommendations?

Somebody still uses you MS-DOS

Posted 2011-06-09T02:42:10.890

Reputation: 4 143

Can you give a better example of what you want to do? – Joe Internet – 2011-06-09T03:01:39.323

@Joe Internet: Done. – Somebody still uses you MS-DOS – 2011-06-09T03:04:44.530

So you only want to keep a list of the file names, then if you need file, you'll search for that file name in the text file catalog? – Joe Internet – 2011-06-09T03:10:06.090

@Joe Internet: Yep. I know I can use 10 lines of bash script to do it, using only (like find . * > /home/user/catalog1), but I would like to know if anyone did something like that. – Somebody still uses you MS-DOS – 2011-06-09T03:12:08.537



Well, I think this is indeed to simple to have an "application". Just using grep find and the shell itself I can accomplish what I want. I'm going through that route.

Somebody still uses you MS-DOS

Posted 2011-06-09T02:42:10.890

Reputation: 4 143

can you give some examples to make a catalog for off-line search? something like ls -lR > catalog.txt ? – meduz – 2013-10-29T20:04:40.917

1@meduz Actually, you can use a binary called tree and do tree /media/my_media/ > ~/Desktop/catalog.txt, since you can have a lot of subfolders. – Somebody still uses you MS-DOS – 2014-03-20T02:08:33.007